2012-05-11 64 views



目前,我有以下代碼,它在畫布上顯示得分,但在錯誤的位置 - 它低於得分欄。它也以某種「泡泡」字體顯示,而Calibri則是我想要使用的字體。



/*Add an event listener to the page to listen for a click on the tick or the cross, if the user clicks 
      the right one to indicate whether the image and word relate to the same number or not, increase the 
      user's score*/ 
     myGameCanvas.addEventListener('click', function(e){ 
      console.log('click: ' + e.pageX + '/' + e.pageY); 
      var mouseX = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft; 
      var mouseY = e.pageY - this.offsetTop; 
      /*If the tick is clicked, check whether or not the image and word represent the same number, if they do, 
       increase the score, if not, leave the score as it is*/ 
      if((mouseX > 250 && mouseX < 300) && (mouseY > 200 && mouseY < 250) && (drawnImage == drawnWord)){ 
       currentScore = currentScore + 5; 
       var scorePositionX = currentScorePositionX; 
       var scorePositionY = currentScorePositionY; 
       context.clearRect(scorePositionX, scorePositionY, 30, 30); /*Clear the old score from the canvas */ 
       context.strokeText(currentScore, 650, 50); /*Now write the new score to the canvas */ 
       console.log('Current Score = ' + currentScore); 
      } else if((mouseX > 250 && mouseX < 300) && (mouseY > 200 && mouseY < 250) && (drawnImage != drawnWord)){ 
       currentScore = currentScore; 
       console.log('Current Score = ' + currentScore); 

      /*If the cross is clicked, check whether or not the image and word represent the same number, if they 
       don't, increase the score, otherwise, leave the score as it is*/ 
      } else if((mouseX > 350 && mouseX < 400) && (mouseY > 200 && mouseY < 250) && (drawnImage != drawnWord)){ 
       currentScore = currentScore + 5; 
       context.clearRect(currentScorePositionX, currentScorePositionY, 20, 20); /*Clear the old score from the canvas */ 
       context.strokeText(currentScore, 500, 50); /*Now write the new score to the canvas */ 
       console.log('Current Score = ' + currentScore); 
      } else if ((mouseX > 350 && mouseX < 400) && (mouseY > 200 && mouseY < 250) && (drawnImage == drawnWord)){ 
       currentScore = currentScore; 
       console.log('Current Score = '+ currentScore); 
      } else { 
       console.log('The click was not on either the tick or the cross.'); 
     }, false); 



function drawGameElements(){ 

      /* Draw a line for the 'score bar'. */ 
      context.moveTo(0, 25); 
      context.lineTo(700, 25); 

      /* Draw current level/ total levels on the left, and current score on the right. */ 
      context.font = "11pt Calibri"; /* Text font & size */ 
      context.strokeStyle = "black"; /* Font colour */ 
      context.strokeText(currentLevel + "/" + totalLevels, 10, 15); 
      context.strokeText(currentScore, currentScorePositionX, currentScorePositionY); 



@alex - 是啊! * highfive * –


好的,對不起,不知道有一種方法可以表明你的問題已經得到解答。謝謝。 – Someone2088


引用我的好朋友歐比旺,SO的「不是論壇......它是一個空間站。」 – btown


  1. 評分欄繪製爲700像素長,但當清除評分欄時,clearRect使用20或30像素的長度清除它。 這是否應該清除整個評分欄?

    • 此外,當執行當前樂譜的strokeText時,x/y值每次調用時都會有所不同(500或650)。
    • 我們沒有在其中設置(或改變)currentScorePositionX和Y瓦爾的代碼,因此它可能需要檢查這些值也 - 他們是一致的,是他們設置不當等
  2. 我不確定字體問題發生了什麼。再一次,我們沒有全部代碼,所以我們必須做出一些假設。 我假設上下文存儲在一個全局變量中。 stackoverflow上的這個其他線程有問題,忽略字體的畫布: HTML 5 canvas font being ignored
