* Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Rotating Values
* http://gravitywiz.com/
add_filter('gform_entry_post_save', function($entry) {
// Specify an array of values that will be rotated through.
$rotation = array('Tom', 'Richard', 'Harry');
// Specify the form ID for which this functioanlity applies.
$form_id = 1722;
// Specify the field ID in which the current rotation value will be saved.
$field_id = 1;
// Bail out of this is not our designated form.
if($entry['form_id'] != $form_id) {
return $entry;
// Get the last submitted entry.
$last_entry = rgar(GFAPI::get_entries($entry['form_id'], array('status' => 'active'), array('direction' => 'desc'), array('offset' => 1, 'page_size' => 1)), 0);
// Get the value submitted for our designated field in the last entry.
$last_value = rgar($last_entry, $field_id);
// Determine the next index at which to fetch our value.
$next_index = empty($last_value) ? 0 : array_search($last_value, $rotation) + 1;
if($next_index > count($rotation) - 1) {
$next_index = 0;
// Get the next value based on our rotation.
$next_value = $rotation[ $next_index ];
// Update the value of our designated field in the database.
GFAPI::update_entry_field($entry['id'], $field_id, $next_value);
// Update the value of our designated field in the $entry object that will be used to continuing processing the current submission.
$entry[ $field_id ] = $next_value;
return $entry;