2017-03-27 19 views

美好的一天Android Studio錯誤的第一個參數類型。找到'java.lang.String',必填'int'

我有搜索網站,但沒有得到任何東西來幫助我解決我的問題。 我是一個android的新手,並開始了一個我無法完成的項目。使用過Android Studio 2.3 應用程序的名稱「匹配追蹤」


它走的 例如我的應用程序允許您跟蹤匹配「橄欖球」我現在想應用到自動點添加到領先榜如果一個球隊有4次或更多的嘗試,那就是我卡住的地方!


在我RugbyActivity.class EDITED *******

package za.co.sanrl.rugbyleague.database; 

import android.content.ContentValues; 
import android.content.Context; 
import android.database.Cursor; 
import android.database.SQLException; 
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; 
import android.util.Log; 

import za.co.sanrl.rugbyleague.main.MatchEvent; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 

* Class that allows interaction with the Facts database such as insert, delete, update. 
* @author Morne van Rooyen 
public class FactsDbAdapter { 

    public static final String KEY_MATCHID = "match_id"; 
    public static final String KEY_TYPE  = "type"; 
    public static final String KEY_PLAYER1 = "player1"; 
    public static final String KEY_PLAYER2 = "player2"; 
    public static final String KEY_TEAM  = "team"; 
    public static final String KEY_TIME  = "time"; 
    private static final String DB_TABLE = "Facts"; 
    private SQLiteDatabase db; 
    private BaseHelper dbHelper; 
    private Context context; 

    public FactsDbAdapter(Context context) { 
     this.context = context; 

    * Open database so we can write to it. 
    * @return Open DB connection 
    * @throws SQLException 
    public FactsDbAdapter open() throws SQLException { 
     dbHelper = new BaseHelper(context); 
     db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); 
     return this; 

    * Close database. 
    public void close() { 

    * Add a match fact to the database. 
    * @param match_id Match ID 
    * @param type  Goal, penalty etc. 
    * @param player1 First player involved in event 
    * @param player2 Second player involved in event 
    * @param team  The player(s) team 
    * @param time  The time event took place 
    public void addMatchFact(int match_id, String type, String player1, String player2, String team, String time) { 

     ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); 
     values.put(KEY_MATCHID, match_id); 
     values.put(KEY_TYPE, type); 
     values.put(KEY_PLAYER1, player1); 
     values.put(KEY_PLAYER2, player2); 
     values.put(KEY_TEAM, team); 
     values.put(KEY_TIME, time); 

     //Insert into database. 
     try { 
      db.insert(DB_TABLE, null, values); 
     } catch (Exception e) { 
      Log.e("Database error when inserting match fact", e.toString()); 

    * Get the column values for a specific column provided. 
    * @param column  - column you want to query. 
    * @param duplicates - if you want duplicate results. 
    * @return columnlist 
    public ArrayList<String> getColumnValues(String column, boolean duplicates) { 
     Cursor cursor     = null; 
     ArrayList<String> columnList = new ArrayList<>(); 

     //Get column values. 
     try { 
      if (duplicates) { 
       cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT " + column + " FROM " + DB_TABLE, null); 
      } else { 
       cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT DISTINCT " + column + " FROM " + DB_TABLE, null); 
     } catch (Exception e) { 
      Log.e("Database error selecting facts", e.toString()); 

     //Query result is not empty. 
     if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { 
      int columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(column); 

      do { 
      } while (cursor.moveToNext()); 

     return columnList; 

    * Count number of types with a given match_id. 
    * @param match_id Match ID 
    * @param type  Event Type 
    * @param teamName Team Name 
    * @return count of types 
    public int countTypesWithMatchID(int match_id, String type, String teamName) { 
     Cursor cursor     = null; 
     ArrayList<String> columnList = new ArrayList<>(); 

     //Get column values. 
     try { 
      cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT " + KEY_TYPE + " FROM " + DB_TABLE + 
        " WHERE " + KEY_TYPE + "=? AND " + KEY_MATCHID + "=" + match_id + 
        " AND " + KEY_TEAM + "=?", new String[]{type, teamName}); 
     } catch (Exception e) { 
      Log.e("Database error counting match events", e.toString()); 

     //Query result is not empty. 
     if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { 
      int typeIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(KEY_TYPE); 

      do { 
      } while (cursor.moveToNext()); 

     return columnList.size(); 
/**Count 4 or more tries in a match begins**/ 
    * Count number of types with a given match_id. 
    * @param match_id Match ID 
    * @param type  type is Tries 
    * @param teamName Team Name 
    * @return count of types 
    public int countTriesWithMatchID(int match_id, String type, String teamName) { 
     Cursor cursor = null; 
     int result  = 0; 

     //Get column values. 
     try { 
      cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT COUNT(" + KEY_TYPE + ") FROM " + DB_TABLE + 
        " WHERE " + KEY_TYPE + "=Try AND " + KEY_MATCHID + "=" + match_id + 
        " AND " + KEY_TEAM + "=?", new String[]{type, teamName}); 
     } catch (Exception e) { 
      Log.e("Database error counting match events", e.toString()); 

     //Query result is not empty. 
     if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { 
      result = cursor.getInt(0); 

     return result; 

/**Count 4 or more tries in a match ends**/ 

    * Count the number a certain type with a certain player name comes up in db. 
    * @param type Event Type 
    * @param player Player involved in event 
    * @return count of types involving a specific player 
    public int countTypesWithPlayer(String type, String player) { 
     Cursor cursor = null; 
     int result  = 0; 

     //Get column values. 
     try { 
      cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT COUNT(" + KEY_TYPE + ") FROM " + DB_TABLE + 
          " WHERE " + KEY_TYPE + "=? AND " + KEY_PLAYER1 + "=?", new String[]{type, player}); 
     } catch (Exception e) { 
      Log.e("Db err counting type of events involving a player", e.toString()); 

     //Query result is not empty. 
     if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { 
      result = cursor.getInt(0); 

     return result; 

    * Get all match facts for a given match id. 
    * @param match_id Match ID 
    * @return All match facts 
    public ArrayList<MatchEvent> getAllFactsForGivenMatchID(int match_id) { 
     Cursor cursor     = null; 
     ArrayList<MatchEvent> result = new ArrayList<>(); 

     //Get column values. 
     try { 
      cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " + DB_TABLE + " WHERE match_id=" + match_id, null); 
     } catch (Exception e) { 
      Log.e("Db err select * events", e.toString()); 

     //Query result is not empty. 
     if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { 
      int typeIndex  = cursor.getColumnIndex(FactsDbAdapter.KEY_TYPE); 
      int player1Index = cursor.getColumnIndex(FactsDbAdapter.KEY_PLAYER1); 
      int player2Index = cursor.getColumnIndex(FactsDbAdapter.KEY_PLAYER2); 
      int teamIndex  = cursor.getColumnIndex(FactsDbAdapter.KEY_TEAM); 
      int timeIndex  = cursor.getColumnIndex(FactsDbAdapter.KEY_TIME); 

      do { 
       String type   = cursor.getString(typeIndex); 
       String player1  = cursor.getString(player1Index); 
       String player2  = cursor.getString(player2Index); 
       String team   = cursor.getString(teamIndex); 
       String time   = cursor.getString(timeIndex); 

       if (player2 != null) { 
        MatchEvent matchEvent = new MatchEvent(time, type, player1, player2, team); 
       } else { 
        MatchEvent matchEvent = new MatchEvent(time, type, player1, team); 

      } while (cursor.moveToNext()); 

     return result; 



int bpts = factsDbAdapter.countTriesWithMatchID(factsDbAdapter.KEY_MATCHID, factsDbAdapter.KEY_TYPE, factsDbAdapter.KEY_TEAM); 
         if (bpts<3) 


switch (status) { 
       case WIN: {// Team won the match. 
        int totalWins = teamAdapter.getColumnValueForTeamInt(teamAdapter.KEY_WINS, team); 
        int totalPoints = teamAdapter.getColumnValueForTeamInt(teamAdapter.KEY_TOTALPOINTS, team); 
        int totalBonusPoints = teamAdapter.getColumnValueForTeamInt(teamAdapter.KEY_BONUSPOINTS, team); 
        teamAdapter.updateSingleColumn(team, teamAdapter.KEY_WINS, totalWins + 1); 
        int bpts = factsDbAdapter.countTriesWithMatchID(factsDbAdapter.KEY_MATCHID, factsDbAdapter.KEY_TYPE, factsDbAdapter.KEY_TEAM); 
        if (bpts<3) { 
         teamAdapter.updateSingleColumn(team, teamAdapter.KEY_BONUSPOINTS, totalBonusPoints + 1); 
         teamAdapter.updateSingleColumn(team, teamAdapter.KEY_TOTALPOINTS, totalPoints + 5); 
         teamAdapter.updateSingleColumn(team, teamAdapter.KEY_TOTALPOINTS, totalPoints + 4); 



請顯示'factsDbAdapter.KEY_MATCHID'的定義和值。確保它是一個'int'而不是'String'。 – john16384


@ Mark Rotteveel您好factDbAdapter.KEY_MATCHID的值應該是1到100之間的任何值,具體取決於記錄的匹配數量。 – Morne


是的,但它是一個'字符串?因爲預計有'int',Java不會自動轉換這些類型。請顯示該行代碼。 – john16384




public int countTriesWithMatchID(int match_id, String type, String teamName) 


factsDbAdapter.countTriesWithMatchID(factsDbAdapter.KEY_MATCHID, factsDbAdapter.KEY_TYPE, factsDbAdapter.KEY_TEAM) 


factsDbAdapter.countTriesWithMatchID("match_id", "type", "team") 



factsDbAdapter.countTriesWithMatchID(1, "type", "team") 

