
您可以使用比較所有段對的naïve算法或Bentley–Ottmann algorithm找到points of intersection。前者需要O(n );和後者O((Ñ + q)日誌Ñ)(其中q是凸四邊形的數量)。在最壞的情況下q =Θ(Ñ ) - 考慮在圓上Ñ點 - 所以本特利-奧特曼並不總是快。
import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations
def intersection(s1, s2):
Return the intersection point of line segments `s1` and `s2`, or
None if they do not intersect.
p, r = s1[0], s1[1] - s1[0]
q, s = s2[0], s2[1] - s2[0]
rxs = float(np.cross(r, s))
if rxs == 0: return None
t = np.cross(q - p, s)/rxs
u = np.cross(q - p, r)/rxs
if 0 < t < 1 and 0 < u < 1:
return p + t * r
return None
def convex_quadrilaterals(points):
Generate the convex quadrilaterals among `points`.
segments = combinations(points, 2)
for s1, s2 in combinations(segments, 2):
if intersection(s1, s2) != None:
yield s1, s2
>>> points = map(np.array, [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0), (2, 1)])
>>> len(list(convex_quadrilaterals(points)))
你的意思是凸多邊形?我不清楚爲什麼你要指定一些點,如果他們是四邊形(4面)。 –
哦,這是後續列表中的點數,是嗎? –
無論如何,我認爲你可以檢查4點是否是凸四邊形的頂點,方法是檢查第4點是否在前三點定義的三角形之外。 –