x: -0.2
y: +0.1
z: +9.1
// Convert the value from acceleration to degrees acceleration.x|y is the
// acceleration according to gravity, we'll assume we're on Earth and divide
// by 9.81 (earth gravity) to get a percentage value, and then multiply that
// by 90 to convert to degrees.
var tiltLR = Math.round(((acceleration.x)/9.81) * -90);
var tiltFB = Math.round(((acceleration.y + 9.81)/9.81) * 90 * facingUp);
Example script graphing acceleration values(而不是從的HTML5Rocks)
我剛測試過'9.86 - e.acceleration.z'工作正常,當設備面朝上。但是,只要我傾斜它,重力系數也開始影響其他軸。 [這個腳本](http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/SensorEvent.html#values)我認爲是有幫助的,因爲它需要引力,但我不知道如何使用它。 (它是用Java編寫的) – 2013-05-01 01:54:16
是的,硬件的本地功能似乎暫時勝過移動開發。 – 2013-05-01 01:59:38