幸運的是,PHP可以很容易地使用'$ client - > __ getFunctions()'方法來獲取SOAP函數,因此您只需搜索要調用的服務方法,其中將包含方法參數正確的順序,然後做一些數組匹配,以相同的順序獲取您的請求參數數組。
// Instantiate the soap client
$client = new SoapClient("http://localhost/magento/api/v2_soap?wsdl", array('trace'=>1));
$wsdlFunctions = $client->__getFunctions();
$wsdlFunction = '';
$requestParams = NULL;
$serviceMethod = 'catalogProductInfo';
$params = array('product'=>'ch124-555U', 'sessionId'=>'eeb7e00da7c413ceae069485e319daf5', 'somethingElse'=>'xxx');
// Search for the service method in the wsdl functions
foreach ($wsdlFunctions as $func) {
if (stripos($func, "{$serviceMethod}(") !== FALSE) {
$wsdlFunction = $func;
// Now we need to get the order in which the params should be called
foreach ($params as $k=>$v) {
$match = strpos($wsdlFunction, "\${$k}");
if ($match !== FALSE) {
$requestParams[$k] = $match;
// Sort the array so that our requestParams are in the correct order
if (is_array($requestParams)) {
} else {
// Throw an error, the service method or param names was not found.
die('The requested service method or parameter names was not found on the web-service. Please check the method name and parameters.');
// The $requestParams array now contains the parameter names in the correct order, we just need to add the values now.
foreach ($requestParams as $k=>$paramName) {
$requestParams[$k] = $params[$k];
try {
$test = $client->__soapCall($serviceMethod, $requestParams);
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
print_r('Error: ' . $e->getMessage());