如果你真的想要,你可以用反射來做,但會有性能懲罰。它們是否重要取決於你的確切情況。正如你所建議的那樣,根據你想要做的事情,我很可能會使用switch/case語句或地圖。尤其是,如果您需要根據您構建的類型將不同的參數傳遞給不同的構造函數,那麼這將非常有用 - 通過反射來實現這一點會有點痛苦,因爲您已經是特殊框架的不同類型。
public FooParent CreateFoo(string name)
if (name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
string fullName = "Some.NameSpace." + name;
// This is assuming that the type will be in the same assembly
// as the call. If that's not the case, we can look at that later.
Type type = Type.GetType(fullName);
if (type == null)
throw new ArgumentException("No such type: " + type);
if (!typeof(FooParent).IsAssignableFrom(type))
throw new ArgumentException("Type " + type +
" is not compatible with FooParent.");
return (FooParent) Activator.CreateInstance(type);
public FooParent CreateFoo(string name)
switch (name)
case "Foo1": return new Foo1();
case "Foo2": return new Foo2();
case "Foo3": return new Foo3();
case "Foo4": return new Foo4();
case "FooChild1": return new FooChild1();
throw new ArgumentException("Unknown Foo class: " + name);
查找「Activator.CreateInstance」。 – 2009-08-15 19:41:00
該類是否總是有一個無參數的構造函數? – 2009-08-15 20:11:07