2017-03-16 47 views


multi textFilter

創建多個textFilter輸入例如:[包含] filterText和[中不含] filterText2就像Excel中的數據分析




如果你可以包含一些代碼,或者創建一個js小提琴或者笨蛋,那很好 –


yes請看上面的代碼鏈接,我不能再現我的env,但是它的類似 –




function CustomFilter() {} 

CustomFilter.prototype.init = function (params) { 
    //Put any initial functions you need here (such as setting values to null) 

CustomFilter.prototype.getGui = function() { 
    //return a string of HTML or a DOM element/node 

CustomFilter.prototype.doesFilterPass = function (params) { 
    //Logic for your custom Filter 
    //return True if the row should display, false otherwise 

CustomFilter.prototype.isFilterActive = function() { 
    //logic for displaying the filter icon in the header 

CustomFilter.prototype.getModel = function() { 
    //store the filter state 

CustomFilter.prototype.setModel = function(model) { 
    //restore the filter state here 


function DoubleFilter() { 

DoubleFilter.prototype.init = function (params) { 
    this.valueGetter = params.valueGetter; 
    this.filterText = null; 

// not called by ag-Grid, just for us to help setup 
DoubleFilter.prototype.setupGui = function (params) { 
    this.gui = document.createElement('div'); 
    this.gui.innerHTML = 
     '<div style="padding: 4px; width: 200px;">' + 
     '<div style="font-weight: bold;">Custom Athlete Filter</div>' + 
     'Include: <div><input style="margin: 4px 0px 4px 0px;" type="text" id="includesText" placeholder="Includes..."/></div>' + 
     'Exclude: <div><input style="margin: 4px 0px 4px 0px;" type="text" id="excludesText" placeholder="Excludes..."/></div>' + 

    // add listeners to both text fields 
    this.eIncludesText = this.gui.querySelector('#includesText'); 
    this.eIncludesText.addEventListener("changed", listener); 
    this.eIncludesText.addEventListener("paste", listener); 
    this.eIncludesText.addEventListener("input", listener); 
    // IE doesn't fire changed for special keys (eg delete, backspace), so need to 
    // listen for this further ones 
    this.eIncludesText.addEventListener("keydown", listener); 
    this.eIncludesText.addEventListener("keyup", listener); 

    this.eExcludesText = this.gui.querySelector('#excludesText'); 
    this.eExcludesText.addEventListener("changed", listener2); 
    this.eExcludesText.addEventListener("paste", listener2); 
    this.eExcludesText.addEventListener("input", listener2); 
    // IE doesn't fire changed for special keys (eg delete, backspace), so need to 
    // listen for this further ones 
    this.eExcludesText.addEventListener("keydown", listener2); 
    this.eExcludesText.addEventListener("keyup", listener2); 

    var that = this; 
    function listener(event) { 
     that.includesText = event.target.value; 
    function listener2(event) { 
     that.excludesText = event.target.value; 

DoubleFilter.prototype.getGui = function() { 
    return this.gui; 

DoubleFilter.prototype.doesFilterPass = function (params) { 
    var passed = true; 
    var valueGetter = this.valueGetter; 
    var include = this.includesText; 
    var exclude = this.excludesText; 
    var value = valueGetter(params).toString().toLowerCase(); 

    return value.indexOf(include) >= 0 && (value.indexOf(exclude) < 0 || exclude == '') ; 

DoubleFilter.prototype.isFilterActive = function() { 
    return (this.includesText !== null && this.includesText !== undefined && this.includesText !== '') 
     || (this.excludesText !== null && this.excludesText !== undefined && this.excludesText !== ''); 

DoubleFilter.prototype.getModel = function() { 
    var model = { 
     includes: this.includesText.value, 
     excludes: this.excludesText.value 
    return model; 

DoubleFilter.prototype.setModel = function(model) { 
    this.eIncludesText.value = model.includes; 
    this.eExcludesText.value = model.excludes; 

這裏是一個modified plunker。我將過濾器放在運動員專欄上,但是DoubleFilter可以應用到任何專欄中。




多列濾鏡結合在一起怎麼辦?我認爲應該實現應用功能,但不起作用?請參閱https://embed.plnkr.co/NcJzmUMWIaWMA7PauUiL/ –


@YuqiLi你已鏈接的重擊程序似乎與多列上的應用程序按鈕正常工作... –


因爲我發送filtermodel到分頁功能...那doesn 't work $ scope.gridOptions.api.getFilterModel();我必須實現setModel還是setApi? –