該解決方案使用相同的HttpClient而不需要維護cookie或其他任何東西。 首先查找所有請求(獲取或發佈)使用篡改數據的請求。然後將解壓後動態生成的隱藏字段的值:
public static String getPage(String sURL) throws HttpException {
HttpGet method = new HttpGet(sURL);
// method.getParams().setParameter(HttpMethodParams.RETRY_HANDLER,
// new DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler(3, false));
try {
* int statusCode = client.execute(method); if (statusCode !=
* HttpStatus.SC_OK) { System.err.println("Method failed: " +
* method.getStatusLine()); }
*/HttpResponse res;
res = client.execute(method);
BasicResponseHandler myHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
String content = myHandler.handleResponse(res);
//extract dynamic parameters here
return content;
} catch(...) {
public static String postPage1(list of parameters to be passed in the post form) throws HttpException {
BasicNameValuePair[] data = {
new BasicNameValuePair("field name", "param1"),
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(sURL);
// post.setRequestBody(data);
try {
post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(Arrays.asList(data)));
HttpResponse res;
res = client.execute(post);
int statusCode;
BasicResponseHandler myHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
String content = myHandler.handleResponse(res);
return content;
} catch (...) {
我終於自己解決了這個問題。使用HTTPCLeint本身。我沒有正確提取hideen字段值。 – droidster 2011-07-06 03:14:51
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