這是我的問題:如何循環通過C#中的IntPtr指向的東西? 我有C#代碼調用C++代碼。 C++代碼返回一個指向一塊圖像緩衝區的指針。 C#和C之間的接口++是在C#中聲明一個IntPtr變量 因此,這裏是我的C#代碼:循環IntPtr?
private IntPtr _maskData;
public void LoadMask(string maskName)
_maskData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(_imgWidth * _imgHeight * 1);
ReadImage(maskName, ref _maskData);
[DllImport(@"D:\Projects\ImageStatistics\ImageStatisticsEllipse\Debug\DiskIO.dll", EntryPoint = "ReadImage")]
private static extern int ReadImage([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]string path, ref IntPtr outputBuffer);
DllExport_ThorDiskIO ReadImage(char *selectedFileName, char* &outputBuffer)
TIFF* image;
tsize_t stripSize;
unsigned long imageOffset, result;
int stripMax, stripCount;
unsigned long bufferSize;
wchar_t * path = (wchar_t*)selectedFileName;
bool status;
// Open the TIFF image
if((image = tiffDll->TIFFOpenW(path, "r")) == NULL){
// logDll->TLTraceEvent(VERBOSE_EVENT,1,L"Could not open incoming image");
// Read in the possibly multiple strips
stripSize = tiffDll->TIFFStripSize(image);
stripMax = tiffDll->TIFFNumberOfStrips (image);
imageOffset = 0;
bufferSize = tiffDll->TIFFNumberOfStrips (image) * stripSize;
for (stripCount = 0; stripCount < stripMax; stripCount++)
if((result = tiffDll->TIFFReadEncodedStrip (image, stripCount, outputBuffer + imageOffset, stripSize)) == -1)
//logDll->TLTraceEvent(VERBOSE_EVENT,1,L"Read error on input strip number");
imageOffset += result;
// Close the TIFF image
if(outputBuffer > 0)
//logDll->TLTraceEvent(VERBOSE_EVENT,1,L"inside output buffer: TRUE");
status = TRUE;
//logDll->TLTraceEvent(VERBOSE_EVENT,1,L"inside output buffer: FALSE");
status = FALSE;
return status;
for (int y = 0; y < imgHeight; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < imgWidth; x++)
int pixVal = IntPtr[y * imgWidth + x ];
// do something to process the pixel value here....
一個'IntPtr'不是一個緩衝區,它是一個內存地址(在這種情況下,指向一個緩衝區的開始)。你不能「循環」一個內存地址。但是,您可以使用不安全的代碼通過指針算術在不安全的指針上循環緩衝區。 – 2013-03-21 14:53:20
['Marshal.PtrToStructure'](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/4ca6d5z7.aspx) – Romoku 2013-03-21 14:53:23
@Romoku:如果我有一塊char *的緩衝區?或者一個字節*?一般來說8位數據結構?似乎IntPtr只有.ToInt32()和.ToInt64(),似乎我不能從我的緩衝區正確檢索我的價值。 – 2013-03-21 15:42:46