我發現了一個腳本,可以從Icecast或Shoutcast流中提取藝術家&標題名稱。 我希望腳本在歌曲改變時自動更新,此時它的工作只在我執行時進行。我是PHP的新手,所以任何幫助將不勝感激。 謝謝!PHP腳本從Shoutcast/Icecast流中提取藝術家和標題
define('CRLF', "\r\n");
class streaminfo{
public $valid = false;
public $useragent = 'Winamp 2.81';
protected $headers = array();
protected $metadata = array();
public function __construct($location){
$errno = $errstr = '';
$t = parse_url($location);
$sock = fsockopen($t['host'], $t['port'], $errno, $errstr, 5);
$path = isset($t['path'])?$t['path']:'/';
if ($sock){
$request = 'GET '.$path.' HTTP/1.0' . CRLF .
'Host: ' . $t['host'] . CRLF .
'Connection: Close' . CRLF .
'User-Agent: ' . $this->useragent . CRLF .
'Accept: */*' . CRLF .
'icy-metadata: 1'.CRLF.
'icy-prebuffer: 65536'.CRLF.
(isset($t['user'])?'Authorization: Basic '.base64_encode($t['user'].':'.$t['pass']).CRLF:'').
'X-TipOfTheDay: Winamp "Classic" rulez all of them.' . CRLF . CRLF;
if (fwrite($sock, $request)){
$theaders = $line = '';
while (!feof($sock)){
$line = fgets($sock, 4096);
if('' == trim($line)){
$theaders .= $line;
$theaders = explode(CRLF, $theaders);
foreach ($theaders as $header){
$t = explode(':', $header);
if (isset($t[0]) && trim($t[0]) != ''){
$name = preg_replace('/[^a-z][^a-z0-9]*/i','', strtolower(trim($t[0])));
$value = trim(implode(':', $t));
if ($value != ''){
if (is_numeric($value)){
$this->headers[$name] = (int)$value;
$this->headers[$name] = $value;
if (!isset($this->headers['icymetaint'])){
$data = ''; $metainterval = 512;
$data .= fgetc($sock);
if (strlen($data) >= $metainterval) break;
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('/([\x00-\xff]{2})\x0\x0([a-z]+)=/i', $data, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
preg_match_all('/([a-z]+)=([a-z0-9\(\)\[\]., ]+)/i', $data, $matches, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
echo '<pre>';var_dump($matches);echo '</pre>';
$title = $artist = '';
foreach ($matches[0] as $nr => $values){
$offset = $values[1];
$length = ord($values[0]{0}) +
(ord($values[0]{1}) * 256)+
(ord($values[0]{2}) * 256*256)+
(ord($values[0]{3}) * 256*256*256);
$info = substr($data, $offset + 4, $length);
$seperator = strpos($info, '=');
$this->metadata[substr($info, 0, $seperator)] = substr($info, $seperator + 1);
if (substr($info, 0, $seperator) == 'title') $title = substr($info, $seperator + 1);
if (substr($info, 0, $seperator) == 'artist') $artist = substr($info, $seperator + 1);
$this->metadata['streamtitle'] = $artist . ' - ' . $title;
$metainterval = $this->headers['icymetaint'];
$intervals = 0;
$metadata = '';
$data = '';
$data .= fgetc($sock);
if (strlen($data) >= $metainterval) break;
$len = join(unpack('c', fgetc($sock))) * 16;
if ($len > 0){
$metadata = str_replace("\0", '', fread($sock, $len));
if ($intervals > 100) break;
$metarr = explode(';', $metadata);
foreach ($metarr as $meta){
$t = explode('=', $meta);
if (isset($t[0]) && trim($t[0]) != ''){
$name = preg_replace('/[^a-z][^a-z0-9]*/i','', strtolower(trim($t[0])));
$value = trim(implode('=', $t));
if (substr($value, 0, 1) == '"' || substr($value, 0, 1) == "'"){
$value = substr($value, 1);
if (substr($value, -1) == '"' || substr($value, -1) == "'"){
$value = substr($value, 0, -1);
if ($value != ''){
$this->metadata[$name] = $value;
$this->valid = true;
}else echo 'unable to write.';
}else echo 'no socket '.$errno.' - '.$errstr.'.';
public function print_data($data){
$data = str_split($data);
$c = 0;
$string = '';
echo "<pre>\n000000 ";
foreach ($data as $char){
$string .= addcslashes($char, "\n\r\0\t");
$hex = dechex(join(unpack('C', $char)));
if ($c % 4 == 0) echo ' ';
if ($c % (4*4) == 0 && $c != 0){
foreach (str_split($string) as $s){
//echo " $string\n";
if (ord($s) < 32 || ord($s) > 126){
echo '\\'.ord($s);
echo $s;
echo "\n";
$string = '';
echo str_pad($c, 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' ';
if (strlen($hex) < 1) $hex = '00';
if (strlen($hex) < 2) $hex = '0'.$hex;
echo $hex.' ';
echo " $string\n</pre>";
public function __get($name){
if (isset($this->metadata[$name])){
return $this->metadata[$name];
if (isset($this->headers[$name])){
return $this->headers[$name];
return null;
$t = new streaminfo(''); // get metadata
echo Meta Interval: $t->icymetaint;
echo Current Track: $t->streamtitle;
感謝這個腳本。我只是繼續找到解析流數據HTML頁面的內容,這些內容可能會與未來版本的Icecast/Shoutcast打交道。 (參考:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25268050/php-icecast-now-playing-script-is-not-working/25344443#25344443) – 2015-02-17 01:33:19