2013-01-10 47 views

問題:我有一個搜索,它可以正常工作,直到用戶進行沒有結果的查詢。當 發生下拉(從sql獲得它的選項,停止工作)。我得到以下代替:ASP代碼中的ADODB字段錯誤

<option label=' <font face="Arial" size=2> 
<p>ADODB.Field</font> <font face="Arial" size=2>error '80020009'</font> 
<font face="Arial" size=2>Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.</font> 
<font face="Arial" size=2>/junk/dbinstant.htm</font><font face="Arial" size=2>, line 0</font> 



<%if request.querystring("abn") = "all" then 
response.write("<option label='")%><%=lcon("legal")%><%response.write("' value='")%><%=(src_abn)%><%response.write("' selected></option>'") 
end if %> 


pagetitle="Contractor Details" 
<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/_lib/include/header.htm"--> 
<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/_lib/include/menu.htm"--> 
$(document).ready(function() { 
    $("#abn,#cat").change(function() { 
<div class="twoColumnRow"> 
<div class="twoColumnContent"> 
<p class="breadCrm"><a href="/index.htm">Home</a> <span>&gt;</span> <a href="/tools/index.htm">Tools of the Trade</a> <span>&gt;</span> <a href="/tools/finance/index.htm">Finance and Purchasing</a><span>&gt;</span> <a href="/tools/finance/procurement/index.htm">Procurement and Contracts information</a></p> 
<div class="contentPad"> 
<!-- Start of main content --> 

<p class="imageRight">&nbsp;</p> 

     Dim connectString, connect, conDB, sconDB, lDB, con, scon, lcon, src_abn, src_cat 
     connectString = "Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("data") 
       src_abn = Request.QueryString("abn") 
       src_cat = Request.QueryString("cat") 
     set connect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection") 
     connect.open connectString 

     if src_abn = "all" and src_cat = "all" then 
     conDB = "SELECT * FROM cont.csv" 
     lDB = "SELECT * FROM cont.csv" 
     elseif src_abn = "all" then 
     conDB = "SELECT * FROM cont.csv WHERE " & src_cat & " = 'Yes'" 
     lDB = "SELECT * FROM cont.csv WHERE " & src_cat & " = 'Yes'"  
     elseif src_cat = "all" then 
     conDB = "SELECT * FROM cont.csv WHERE ucase(abn) LIKE ucase('%"+src_abn+"%')" 
     lDB = "SELECT * FROM cont.csv WHERE ucase(abn) LIKE ucase('%"+src_abn+"%')" 
     conDB = " SELECT * FROM cont.csv WHERE " & src_cat & " = 'Yes' AND ucase(abn) LIKE ucase('%"+src_abn+"%')" 
     lDB = " SELECT * FROM cont.csv WHERE " & src_cat & " = 'Yes' AND ucase(abn) LIKE ucase('%"+src_abn+"%')" 
     end if 

     sconDB = "SELECT * FROM cont.csv" 

     set con = connect.execute(conDB) 
     set scon = connect.execute(sconDB) 
     set lcon = connect.execute(lDB) 
<h2>Search results</h2><hr /> 
<% if not con.BOF then %> 
<div style="margin-top:1em"> 

    <form action="dbinstant.htm" method="get"> 

     <p>Company name:1<br/> 
     <select id="abn" name="abn"> 
     <option label="All companies" value="all" <%if request.querystring("abn") = "all" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <%if request.querystring("abn") = "all" then 
     response.write("<option label='All companies' value='all' selected></option>") 
     response.write("<option label='")%><%=lcon("legal")%><%response.write("' value='")%><%=(src_abn)%><%response.write("' selected></option>'") 
     end if %> 
     <% while (NOT scon.EOF) %> 
     <option label="<%=scon("legal")%>" value="<%=scon("abn")%>" <%if request.querystring("abn") = "response.write(src_abn)" then 
     end if %>></option> 
          Wend %> 
    <p>Categories for Creative Design:<br/> 
     <select id="cat" name="cat"> 
     <option class="group" label="All categories" value="all" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "all" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Strategic brand, marketing and communications advice" value="a" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "a" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Graphic design and layout" value="b" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "b" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Forms design" value="c" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "c" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Web design and development" value="d" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "d" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Authoring services" value="e" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "e" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Editorial services" value="f" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "f" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Translation services" value="g" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "g" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Photography and film services" value="h" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "h" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Scanning and digitisation services" value="i" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "i" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Multimedia editing services" value="j" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "j" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
    <input type="submit" value="Search" /> 
    <br /><hr /> 

    <table style="font-size:.9em;" class="contentTable"> 
       <th>Company Name:</td> 
    <% con.Movefirst() %> 
    <% while (NOT con.EOF) %> 
       <td width="120px"><%=con("abn")%></th> 
       <td><a href="dbcomp.htm?abn=<%=con("abn")%>&cat=all"><%=con("legal")%></a></td> 

<% else %> 
    <% scon.Movefirst() %> 
    <form action="dbinstant.htm" method="get"> 

     <p>Company name:2<br/> 
     <select id="abn" name="abn"> 
     <option label="All companies" value="all" <%if request.querystring("abn") = "all" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <%if request.querystring("abn") = "all" then 
     response.write("<option label='")%><%=lcon("legal")%><%response.write("' value='")%><%=(src_abn)%><%response.write("' selected></option>'") 
     end if %> 

     <% while (NOT scon.EOF) %> 
     <option label="<%=scon("legal")%>" value="<%=scon("abn")%>" <%if request.querystring("abn") = "response.write(src_abn)" then 
     end if %>></option> 
          Wend %> 
    <p>Categories for Creative Design:<br/> 
     <select id="cat" name="cat"> 
     <option class="group" label="All categories" value="all" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "all" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Strategic brand, marketing and communications advice" value="a" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "a" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Graphic design and layout" value="b" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "b" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Forms design" value="c" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "c" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Web design and development" value="d" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "d" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Authoring services" value="e" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "e" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Editorial services" value="f" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "f" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Translation services" value="g" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "g" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Photography and film services" value="h" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "h" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Scanning and digitisation services" value="i" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "i" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
     <option class="group" label="Multimedia editing services" value="j" <%if request.querystring("cat") = "j" then response.write("selected") %>></option> 
    <input type="submit" value="Search" /> 
    <br /><hr /> 
<p>No records match your query.</p> 
<p><a href="dbtest.htm">Return to search page</a></p> 
    end if 

<!-- End of main content --> 
</div> <!-- end contentPad div --> 
</div> <!-- end twocolumncontent div --> 
<div class="twoColumnLinks"> 

<!--<div class="relatedLinks"> 
<h3>Related Links</h3> 
<li><a href="/index.htm">Related link 1</a></li> 
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conDB = "SELECT * FROM cont.csv WHERE ucase(abn) LIKE ucase('%"+src_abn+"%')" 

conDB = "SELECT * FROM cont.csv WHERE ucase(abn) LIKE ucase('%"+ Replace(src_abn, "'", "''") + "%')" 


  1. Classic ASP SQL Injection Protection
  2. Preventing SQL Injections in ASP
  3. Filtering SQL injection from Classic ASP

Ofer Zelig是對的。您至少需要屏蔽傳遞的查詢字符串。 – mikeY


SQL注入將在那裏使用? (總是想學習如何保護,你會推薦任何書嗎?) – sephiith


我已經編輯了我的答案。 –