2013-11-27 54 views



的互動接口方面: 「模式」 的

Public Interface LinkingInterface 
    Property name As String 
    Property statetag As String 
    Sub selected(ByVal Sock As Integer) 
    Sub deselected(ByVal Sock As Integer) 
    Sub load() 
    Function generateOutput(ByVal input As String, ByVal Sock As Integer) As String 
End Interface 


For Each file In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("modes\") 
      Dim thisMode As LinkingInterface = LoadMode(My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(file)) 
      thisMode.load() '<---------------------------My error is here, saying its a null ref. 
      modes_InterfaceCollection.Add(thisMode)  'Public modes_InterfaceCollection As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection() 
      modes_nameIndex.Add(thisMode.name)   'Public modes_nameIndex As New Specialized.StringCollection() 

'LoadMode' 功能

Public Function LoadMode(ByVal code As String) As LinkingInterface 
     Using provider As New VBCodeProvider() 
      Dim parameters As New CompilerParameters() 
      parameters.GenerateInMemory = True 
      parameters.MainClass = "Remote_Command_Line.MainModule" 
      Dim interfaceNamespace As String = GetType(LinkingInterface).Namespace 
      Dim codeBuilder As New Text.StringBuilder 
      Dim namespaces() As String = New String() {"Microsoft.VisualBasic", "System", "System.Console", "System.Collections", "System.Collections.Generic", _ 
                 "System.Data", "System.Diagnostics", "Remote_Command_Line.MainModule"} 
      Dim codeString As New StringBuilder 
      For Each namespacestring As String In namespaces 
       codeString.AppendLine("Imports " & namespacestring) 
      Dim results As CompilerResults = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(parameters, codeString.ToString) 

      'I commented out this just for debugging purposes 
      'If results.Errors.HasErrors Then 
      'For Each scriptError As CompilerError In results.Errors 
      Return CType(results.CompiledAssembly.CreateInstance(results.CompiledAssembly.GetType.Name), LinkingInterface) 
      'End If 
     End Using 
    End Function 

的測試文件 'test.vb':

Public Class test_mode 
    'Designed for RCL mode 1.0b 
    'Matthew 2013 
    'used for managing the local filesystem. 

#Region "Properties" 
    'all of these properties listed are required -------------------- 
    Implements LinkingInterface 
    Property name As String Implements LinkingInterface.name   'the name the client refers to you in the 'modeswitch' command 
    Property statetag As String Implements LinkingInterface.statetag 'short tag displayed on the client when active before the input signal '>' 
    Public curDirDatabank As New Specialized.StringCollection() 

#End Region 

#Region "Subs" 

    'Its required to have, but not required to do anything. This load sub is here for any modes that may require an initialization 
    Private Sub load() Implements LinkingInterface.load 'REQUIRED 
     name = "file" : statetag = "file" 
     MsgBox("Testing: It's loaded") 
    End Sub 

    Private Sub selected(ByVal Sock As Integer) Implements LinkingInterface.selected 
     MsgBox("Testing: '" & Sock & "' selected the File mode") 
    End Sub 

    Private Sub deselected(ByVal Sock As Integer) Implements LinkingInterface.deselected 
     MsgBox("Testing: '" & Sock & "' deselected the File mode") 
    End Sub 

    Private Function generateOutput(ByVal input As String, ByVal Sock As Integer) As String Implements LinkingInterface.generateOutput 'REQUIRED 
     Return ("Testing: '" & Sock & "' said '" & input & "'") 
    End Function 

#End Region 

End Class 




Return CType(results.CompiledAssembly.CreateInstance(results.CompiledAssembly.GetType.Name), LinkingInterface) 



 For Each t As Type In results.CompiledAssembly.GetTypes() 
      If t.GetInterface(GetType(LinkingInterface).Name) IsNot Nothing Then 
       Return CType(results.CompiledAssembly.CreateInstance(t.Name), LinkingInterface) 
      End If 

     Return Nothing 

這是從很久以前,但我仍然要感謝你。我經常提到這篇文章,並將它展示給其他許多人,這是一個很大的幫助。再次感謝! – matthew