2010-07-01 13 views

我想寫一個VBA腳本,它將一個文件夾中的所有Excel文件導入到Access 2003中的表中,首先檢查它們是否有已被輸入或沒有輸入。那部分很好。我遇到的問題是清除一些在電子表格中未使用的公式,這會在Access嘗試導入範圍時造成困難。當按原樣運行代碼時,出現「用戶定義的類型未定義」錯誤。「用戶定義類型未定義」Excel範圍使用後期綁定在Access 2003中


Private Sub Command2_Click() 
'Declare Variables 
Dim xlApp As Object 
Dim xlBook As Object 
Dim LSQL As String 
Dim SkippedCounter As Integer 
Dim ImportedCounter As Integer 
Dim BUN As Long 
Dim SubmitDate As Date 
Dim LSQL2 As String 
Dim LSQL3 As String 

'Start counters for final notice 
SkippedCounter = 0 
ImportedCounter = 0 

Dim myDir As String, fn As String 

'Set directory for importing files 
myDir = "U:\Five Star\Operations\restore\Surveys\My InnerView - 2010\Action plans\Action plans - input for DB\" 

'Function for selecting files in folder 
fn = Dir(myDir & "*.xls") 

'Determine if there are files in side the folder 
If fn = "" Then 
    MsgBox "Folder is Empty!" 
    'Begin cycling through files in the folder 
    Do While fn <> "" 
     'Create new Excel Object 
     Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
     'Make it appear on the screen while importing 
     xlApp.Visible = True 
     'Open the workbook at hand 
     Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(myDir & fn) 
     'Check to see if it has been imported already 
     If xlBook.Sheets("Action plan form").Range("A1").Value = "Imported" Then 
       'If it has been imported, add 1 to the counter, close the file and close the instance of Excel 
       SkippedCounter = SkippedCounter + 1 
       Set xlBook = Nothing 
       Set xlApp = Nothing 
       'Otherwise, unprotect the worksheet 
       xlBook.UnProtect Password:="2010" 
       Dim c As Range 
       'Unhide worksheet needed and clean it up 
       xlBook.Sheets("Action plan DB data").Visible = True 
       xlBook.Sheets("Action plan DB data").Range("B10:O10").ClearFormats 
       xlBook.Sheets("Action plan DB data").Range("N11:N84").ClearFormats 
       For Each c In xlBook.Sheets("Action plan DB data").Range("DB_import") 
        If c.Value = "" Or c.Value = 0 Then c.Clear 
       Next c 




Dim c As Range刪除As Range,這將使c成爲一個對象。這種方式,當它遲到一個範圍,你不會有任何問題。


當然Dim c As Object? – Fionnuala 2010-07-01 13:58:55


@Remou:我相信「As Object」並非嚴格要求,但是,是的,那就是效果。 – grammar31 2010-07-01 15:16:30
