您能否協助解決這個問題? 每當運行此宏,它停止在:Dim As Dictionary。編譯錯誤:用戶定義類型未定義
Dim authResult As Dictionary
隨着的錯誤消息: 編譯錯誤:沒有定義用戶定義的類型。
Sub Login()
Dim userName As String
Dim password As String
Dim apiKey As String
userName = "username"
password = "password"
apiKey = "key123"
'activityTextbox.Text = ""
Dim authResult As Dictionary
Set authResult = restClient.authenticateAccount(userName, password, apiKey)
If Not authResult Is Nothing Then
'appendActivity "Connected"
' Configure Excel to pull streaming updates as often as possible
Application.RTD.ThrottleInterval = 0
' Uncomment for real-time prices - this is very CPU intensive
' Buffer interval defaults to 500ms
'Application.WorksheetFunction.RTD "IG.api.excel.RTD.IGApiRTDServer", "", "bufferInterval", "0"
' Set manual refresh to true from very remote locations
' Application.WorksheetFunction.RTD "IG.api.excel.RTD.IGApiRTDServer", "", "manualRefresh", "true"
' This will require manually calling refresh to update lighstreamer subscriptions, i.e.
' Application.WorksheetFunction.RTD "IG.api.excel.RTD.IGApiRTDServer", "", "refresh"
Dim maxPriceRequestsPerSecond As Double
maxPriceRequestsPerSecond = 0 ' all available updates
If restClient.streamingAuthentication(maxPriceRequestsPerSecond) Then
m_loggedIn = True
' appendActivity "Lightstreamer connection failure"
End If
MsgBox "Authentication failed"
End If
End Sub
在此先感謝。 乾杯, 喬
搜索 「VBA字典」,你會找到解決辦法(或看看相關的)。 – BitAccesser
在引用中包含「Microsoft Scripting Runtime」。 – YowE3K