import Logging.LogRunner; //Logging.LogRunner is absent s error occurs
import java.util.Vector;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.media.*;
import javax.media.format.*;
import javax.media.protocol.*;
import javax.media.datasink.*;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
* Records audio and video from a usb camera and saves it to disk. Essentially what is happening
* is we are creating two video streams and an audio stream. We use two video streams
* so one can be sent to the file, and the other can be sent to the gui to show the
* user what they are currently recording. This class is configured to use a certain
* audio and video format, but this can easily be changed to fit dirrenet needs.
* This class was created with
* help from http://www.codeproject.com/KB/audio-video/Java_Video_Capture.aspx.
* Please refer to that site for more information.
* @author dvargo
public class VideoRecorder
* The source of the video stream
CaptureDeviceInfo device = null;
* The location of media content
MediaLocator ml = null;
* MediaHandler for rendering and controlling time based media data
Player player = null;
* The screen that will display the video as it is being recorded
Component videoScreen = null;
* The Processor processes data and creates an output in the destination
* format required
Processor processor = null;
* takes a DataSource as input and renders the output to a specified destination
DataSink dataSink = null;
TheDataSinkListener dataSinkListener = null;
* The form for the video and other gui compoenents
Frame frm = null;
* A reference to the Starter class.
VideoStarter theForm = null; //VideoStarter does not exist so error occurs
* Used to determine if something went wrong
boolean error = false;
* Basic Constructor to begin recording video to a specified file path. This
* constructor initalizes everything needed to begin recording.
* @param saveFileTo The path and file name of where to save the video.
* @param inForm Reference to the Starter class that initatied this recording.
public VideoRecorder(String saveFileTo,VideoStarter inForm)
theForm = inForm;
//gets a list of devices how support the given video format
Vector deviceList = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(new YUVFormat());
//if we couldnt find anything to record from
if(deviceList.size() == 0)
LogRunner.dialogMessage(this.getClass(),"No video capture devices could be found.");
error = true;
// get video device - the first one is almost always the only available camera
device = (CaptureDeviceInfo) deviceList.firstElement();
ml = device.getLocator();
//create a source from the device
DataSource ods = null;
ods = Manager.createDataSource(ml);
* Clone the video source so it can be displayed and used to capture
* the video at the same time. Trying to use the same source for two
* purposes would cause a "source is in use" error
DataSource cloneableDS = Manager.createCloneableDataSource(ods);
DataSource PlayerVidDS = cloneableDS;
// The video capture code will use the clone which is controlled by the player
DataSource CaptureVidDS = ((javax.media.protocol.SourceCloneable) cloneableDS).createClone();
* Display video by starting the player on the source clonable data source
* the clones are fed data stopping the player will stop the video flow
* to the clone data source
player = Manager.createRealizedPlayer(PlayerVidDS);
// get an audio device and create an audio data source
deviceList = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(new javax.media.format.AudioFormat(null));
device = (CaptureDeviceInfo) deviceList.firstElement();
ml = device.getLocator();
DataSource audioDataSource = Manager.createDataSource(ml);
// merge audio and video data sources
DataSource mixedDataSource = null;
DataSource dsArray[] = new DataSource[2];
dsArray[0] = CaptureVidDS; // this is a cloned datasource and is controlled by the master clonable data source
dsArray[1] = audioDataSource;
mixedDataSource = javax.media.Manager.createMergingDataSource(dsArray);
catch (Exception e)
//exception handling here
error = true;
System.out.println("Error 1");
// setup output file format to msvideo
FileTypeDescriptor outputType = new FileTypeDescriptor(FileTypeDescriptor.MSVIDEO);
// setup output video and audio data format
Format outputFormat[] = new Format[2];
//outputFormat[0] = new VideoFormat(VideoFormat.RGB);
outputFormat[0] = new VideoFormat(VideoFormat.YUV);
outputFormat[1] = new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.LINEAR);
// create a new processor
ProcessorModel processorModel = new ProcessorModel(mixedDataSource, outputFormat, outputType);
processor = Manager.createRealizedProcessor(processorModel);
catch (Exception e) {
// exception handling here
error = true;
System.out.println("Error 2");
// get the output of the processor to be used as the datasink input
DataSource source = processor.getDataOutput();
// create a File protocol MediaLocator with the location of the file to which bits are to be written
MediaLocator mediadestination = new MediaLocator("file:" + saveFileTo);
// create a datasink to create the video file
dataSink = Manager.createDataSink(source, mediadestination);
// create a listener to control the datasink
dataSinkListener = new TheDataSinkListener();
// now start the datasink and processor
catch (Exception e)
// exception handling here
error = true;
System.out.println("Error 3");
//set up the gui
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Error 4");
LogRunner.getLogger().warning("Error recording video - " + e.getMessage());
error = true;
* Flag that determines if something went wrong
* @return True if something did go wrong, false if everything is fine.
public boolean getError()
return error;
* Creates the gui used to display what is currently being recorded.
private void createGui()
videoScreen = player.getVisualComponent();
frm = new Frame("Recording");
frm.setSize(300, 300);
frm.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
JButton close = new JButton("Click Here when done");
close.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// Stop the processor doing the movie capture first
// Closing the processor will end the data stream to the data sink.
// Wait for the end of stream to occur before closing the datasink
// stop and close the player which closes the video data source
// dispose of the frame and close the application
* Control the ending of the program prior to closing the data sink
class TheDataSinkListener implements DataSinkListener {
boolean endOfStream = false;
// Flag the ending of the data stream
public void dataSinkUpdate(DataSinkEvent event)
if (event instanceof javax.media.datasink.EndOfStreamEvent)
endOfStream = true;
* Cause the current thread to sleep if the data stream is still available.
* This makes certain that JMF threads are done prior to closing the data sink
* and finalizing the output file
public void waitEndOfStream(long checkTimeMs) {
while (!endOfStream)
catch (InterruptedException ie)
System.out.println("Error 5");
public static void main(String []args)
new VideoRecorder("d:/yusuf/abc.mpg",theForm);
symbol: variable LogRunner
location: class VideoRecorder
F:\Tutorials\Java Tutorial\Programs\VideoRecorder\src\VideoRecorder.java:206: error: cannot find symbol
LogRunner.getLogger().warning("Error recording video - " + e.getMessage());
public VideoRecorder(String saveFileTo,VideoStarter inForm)
symbol: class VideoStarter
location: class VideoRecorder