let items = [1;2;3]
let predicate x =
x >= 2
let result = items |> List.fold ...
// result = [1;3]
如何用[1; 3]實現返回列表的方法?
let items = [1;2;3]
let predicate x =
x >= 2
let result = items |> List.fold ...
// result = [1;3]
如何用[1; 3]實現返回列表的方法?
let rec removeFirst predicate = function
| [] -> []
| h :: t when predicate h -> t
| h :: t -> h :: removeFirst predicate t
let removeFirst predicate list =
let rec loop acc = function
| [] -> List.rev acc
| h :: t when predicate h -> (List.rev acc) @ t
| h :: t -> loop (h :: acc) t
loop [] list
let result =
|>List.scan (fun (removed, _) item ->
if removed then true, Some(item) //If already removed, just propagate
elif predicate item then true, None //If not removed but predicate matches, don't propagate
else false, Some(item)) //If not removed and predicate doesn't match, propagate
(false, None)
|>List.choose snd
這在我的測試中跑得最慢。 – Soldalma
let removeFirst p xs =
match List.tryFindIndex p xs with
| Some i -> List.take i xs @ List.skip (i+1) xs
| None -> xs
let removeAt index list =
let left, right = List.splitAt index list
left @ (List.skip 1 right)
let removeFirst predicate list =
match List.tryFindIndex predicate list with
| Some index -> removeAt index list
| None -> list
let removeFirst predicate list =
let rec finish acc rem =
match rem with
| [] -> acc
| x::xs -> finish (x::acc) xs
and find l p acc rem =
match rem with
| [] -> l
| x::xs ->
if p x then finish xs acc
else find l p (x::acc) xs
find list predicate [] list
守衛子句可以很好,但在這種情況下,我認爲他們會讓它更加混亂。我認爲只是'| h :: t - >如果謂詞h那麼(List.rev acc)@t else循環(h :: acc)t'更清楚。 – mydogisbox
這個答案的一個優點是,當達到第一個匹配值時它會停止處理,這樣可以節省大量工作。 – TheQuickBrownFox
在尾遞歸版本中,您可以更改'[]'大小寫以返回輸入'list',而不是反轉累加器,反正只是反轉列表。 – TheQuickBrownFox