我已經編寫了一個powershell腳本來對Active Directory進行修改。 我得到一個有趣的錯誤。 這是腳本。Powershell腳本無法將ForEach-Object識別爲有效的cmdlet
#imports the module active directory if it isn't there.
function add-ADmodule()
$modules = Get-Module | Where-Object{$_.Name -like "*ActiveDirectory*"}
if($modules -eq $null)
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
#import the data file
$user_csv = import-csv C:\temp\users.csv
#makes the ammendments to the AD object
function ammend-ADUsers($user_csv)
{#this is the loop to make ammendments to each object
#assigns each user's AD object to a variable
$user_object = get-aduser -filter * `
-Properties mail |`
Where-Object{$_.mail -like $_."Email Address"}
#ammends the ad object in the above variable
set-aduser -Identity $user_object `
-OfficePhone $_."Office Number" `
-MobilePhone $_."Mobile Number" `
-StreetAddress $_."Street" `
-City $_."City" `
-PostalCode $_."PostCode"
#this is the main part of the code where it gets executed
Write-Verbose "Active Directory Module Added"
PS C:\Users\admin> C:\Scripts\ammend-aduser.ps1
ForEach-Object : The term 'ForEach-Object' is not recognized as the name of a
cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the
name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At C:\Scripts\ammend-aduser.ps1:18 char:20
+ $users_csv|ForEach-Object`
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (ForEach-Object:String) [], Com
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
觀看了這一點 - 'ammend-ADUsers($ user_csv)' - 這不是很好的PowerShell命令的參數語法,你應該使用'ammend-ADUsers $ user_csv'。你的代碼可以工作,但與其他語言不一樣 - 如果你嘗試將它用於兩個參數,例如'ammend-ADUsers($ user_csv,$ param2)',它們會中斷,並將它們作爲數組傳遞給第一個參數代替。 – TessellatingHeckler