我試圖重新從VB.NET PasswordDeriveBytes的實施,到目前爲止,我在iOS的Objective C的代碼已經實現了讓我從一個Java實現不同的結果。SHA1消息摘要和CommonCrypto更新得到不同的結果
我們之所以嘗試重新創建PasswordDeriveBytes的實現,是因爲客戶端服務器端正在使用它來加密/解密數據,並且從我搜索的內容中,PasswordDeriveBytes使用了過時的PBKDF1。 Java實現正在返回預期的加密值,並且正在被服務器成功解密。但是,從iOS ObjC實現返回的值不正確。
下面是Java實現的構造,從這個答案採取:Encryption Diff Between Java and C#
public static class PasswordDeriveBytes{
private final MessageDigest hash;
private final byte[] firstToLastDigest;
private final byte[] outputBuffer;
private int position = 0;
public PasswordDeriveBytes(String password, byte[] salt, int iterations) {
try {
this.hash = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
this.firstToLastDigest = this.hash.digest();
// At this point, the Obj-C and Java values are the same
// this.firstToLastDigest = b8fa3d36....
for (int i = 1; i < iterations - 1; i++) {
System.out.println(" Iterate " + i);
hash.digest(firstToLastDigest, 0, firstToLastDigest.length);
this.outputBuffer = hash.digest(firstToLastDigest);
// However at this point, they become different
// Java has outputBuffer = f498e100...
// Obj-C has outputBuffer = <d7d5fa71...
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException|NoSuchAlgorithmException | DigestException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("SHA-1 digest should always be available", e);
@implementation PasswordDeriveBytesObjC
SHA1 *hash;
Byte *firstToLastDigest;
Byte *outputBuffer;
int position;
- (instancetype)initWithPassword:(NSString *)password salt:(NSData *)salt iterations:(int)iterations
self = [[[self class] alloc] init];
if (self){
hash = [[SHA1 alloc] init];
const char* ASCIIpassword = [password cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSData *passwordData = [NSData dataWithBytes:ASCIIpassword length:strlen(ASCIIpassword)];
[hash updateWith:[passwordData bytes] length:(CC_LONG)[passwordData length]];
[hash updateWith:[salt bytes] length:(CC_LONG)[salt length]];
firstToLastDigest = [hash final];
// At this point, the Obj-C and Java values are the same
// firstToLastDigest = <b8fa3d36....
for (int i = 1; i < iterations - 1; i++){
[hash updateWith:firstToLastDigest length:(CC_LONG)strlen(firstToLastDigest)];
[hash updateWith:firstToLastDigest length:(CC_LONG)strlen(firstToLastDigest)];
outputBuffer = [hash final];
// However at this point, they become different
// Java has outputBuffer = f498e100...
// Obj-C has outputBuffer = <d7d5fa71...
return self;
實行的是相同的OBJ-C [hash updateWith:firstToLastDigest length:(CC_LONG)strlen(firstToLastDigest)]; outputBuffer = [hash final];
感謝您指出我到正確的方向! – Jakob