class AbstractWebServiceOperation: NSOperation {
// VARIANT 2: Create a static NSURLSession only once --> The "sleep" DOES NOT occur!
static let SESSION = NSURLSession(configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration())
init(servicePath:String, httpMethod:String) {
// This is an 'abstract' class, that will be subclassed for concrete webService calls that differ in servicePath for URL, HTTP Method and parameters
// Override start() function of NSOperation to do webService call. NSOperations vars (ready, executing, finished) are overridden too, to get NSOperation "waiting" for the webService result. But I don't think it is relevant for the issue. So I did leave it out.
override func start() {
// [...]
if let request = createRequest()
let task = createTask(request)
// [...]
// Creates the concrete NSURLRequest by using the service path and HTTP method defined by the concrete subclass.
private func createRequest()-> NSMutableURLRequest? {
// [...]
let webServiceURL = "https://\(self.servicePath)"
let url = NSURL(string: webServiceURL)
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url!)
request.timeoutInterval = 60
request.HTTPMethod = self.httpMethod
request.addValue("application/json;charset=UTF-8", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
request.addValue("application/json;charset=UTF-8", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept")
return request;
// Creates the concrete NSURLSessionTask for the given NSURLRequest (using a completionHandler defined by getCompletionHandler())
func createTask(request:NSURLRequest) -> NSURLSessionTask
// VARIANT 1: Create a new NSURLSession every time a AbstractWebServiceOperation is executed --> The "sleep" occurs!
let session = NSURLSession(configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration(), delegate: nil, delegateQueue: nil)
return session.dataTaskWithRequest(request, completionHandler:getCompletionHandler())
// VARIANT 2: Create a static NSURLSession only once --> The "sleep" DOES NOT occur!
return AbstractWebServiceOperation.SESSION.dataTaskWithRequest(request, completionHandler:getCompletionHandler())
// Returns the completion handler for the NSURLSessionTask (may be overriden in subclass)
func getCompletionHandler() -> (NSData?, NSURLResponse?, NSError?) -> Void
return completionHandler
// Default completion handler
lazy var completionHandler:(NSData?, NSURLResponse?, NSError?) -> Void = {(data : NSData?, response : NSURLResponse?, error : NSError?) in
// default completion handling
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