我繪製了五個圖形和一個圖例。圖表工作得很好,但legens消失沒有錯誤。 My preview in RStudio looks like this在R中繪製時,圖例會令人失望
opar <- par (no.readonly = TRUE)
par (mfrow = c(3, 2))
# Plot A
LotVmod <- function (Time, State, Pars) {
with(as.list(c(State, Pars)), {
dx = (b*x) - (b*x*x/K) - (y*(x^k/(x^k+C^k)*(l*x/(1+l*h*x))))
dy = (y*e*(x^k/(x^k+C^k)*(l*x/(1+l*h*x)))) - (m*y)
return(list(c(dx, dy)))
Pars <- c(b = 1.080, e = 2.200, K = 130.000, k = 20.000, l = 2.000,
h = 0.030, C = 2.900, m = 0.050)
State <- c(x = 0.25, y = 2.75)
Time <- seq(1, 9, by = 1)
out <- as.data.frame(ode(func = LotVmod, y = State, parms = Pars, times = Time))
matplot(out[,-1], type = "l", xlim = c(1, 9), ylim = c(0, 45),
xlab = "time",
ylab = "population",
main = "Compartment A")
mtext ("Coefficient of Variance 4.96", cex = 0.8)
x <- c(# Validation data)
y <- c(# Validation data)
lines (Time, x, type="l", lty=1, lwd=2.5, col="black")
lines (Time, y, type="l", lty=1, lwd=2.5, col="red")
# Legend
legend("center", c(expression (italic ("F. occidentalis")*" observed"),
expression (italic ("M. pygmaeus")*" observed"),
expression (italic ("F. occidentalis")*" simulated"),
expression (italic ("M. pygmaeus")*" simulated")),
lty = c(1, 1, 1, 2),
col = c(1, 2, 1, 2),
lwd = c(2.5, 2.5, 1, 1),
box.lwd = 0, bty = "n")
# Plot C to F = same as A
將其設置爲「TRUE」將是一個更好的主意。 –
@JorisMeys確實如此。我沒記錯。現在更新。 –