2016-04-19 39 views

我有以下查詢,這讓我在7天的時間內識別次數的個別行爲進行不少於$ 1,000的交易正是兩次:自動重新運行具有不同參數的SQL查詢

select count(*) 
from (

select id, date, visit_count, daily_total_amount, 
sum(visit_count) over (partition by id order by date range between interval '6' day preceding and current row) as rolling_visit_sum 
from (

select id, date, count(*) as visit_count, sum(total_amount) as daily_total_amount 
from (

select id, date, time, store, sum(currency_amount) as total_amount 
from table 
group by id, date, time, store 
having sum(currency_amount) >= 1000 

group by id, date 
order by id, date 

group by id, date, visit_count, daily_total_amount 

where rolling_visit_sum = 2; 

我想重新運行查詢,看看結果如何隨着我改變參數(使用[$ 1000,$ 2000,$ 3000,$ 4000,$ 5000,$ 6000,$ 7000,$ 8000,$ 9000]作爲最小sum( currency_amount)閾值和[1,2,3,4,5,6]作爲必要條件rolling_visit_sum)。我想這可以通過某種循環來實現自動化,但是當我嘗試搜索如何自己做這件事時,我對此很陌生並且感到困惑。


sum(currency_amount) | rolling_visit_sum | count(*) 
    1000     1     x 
    1000     2     x 
    1000     3     x 
    1000     4     x 
    1000     5     x 
    1000     6     x 
    2000     1     x 
    2000     2     x 
    2000     3     x 
    2000     4     x 


sum(currency_amount) | rolling_visit_sum | count(*) 
    9000     3     x 
    9000     4     x 
    9000     5     x 
    9000     6     x 





-- declare variables 

declare @ParamterCurrencyAmount numeric(26, 2), 
     @ParameterRollingVisitSum int 

-- declare table variable 

declare @CurrencyAmounts table 
    CurrencyAmount numeric(26, 2) 

-- declare table variable 

declare @RollingVisitSums table 
    RollingVisitSum int 

-- insert sample data 

insert into @CurrencyAmounts 
select 1000 union all 
select 2000 union all 
select 3000 union all 
select 4000 union all 
select 5000 union all 
select 6000 union all 
select 8000 union all 
select 9000 

insert into @RollingVisitSums 
select 1 union all 
select 2 union all 
select 3 union all 
select 4 union all 
select 5 union all 
select 6 

-- join the data together for a cursor and loop through the cursor 

declare ParameterCursor cursor local static read_only forward_only for 
select CurrencyAmounts.CurrencyAmount, 
from @CurrencyAmounts CurrencyAmounts, 
@RollingVisitSums RollingVisitSums 

open ParameterCursor 
fetch next from ParameterCursor 

into @ParamterCurrencyAmount, @ParameterRollingVisitSum 

while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 

    print @ParamterCurrencyAmount 
    print @ParameterRollingVisitSum 

    -- do your code here whatever you wanna do with your parameters 

    fetch next from ParameterCursor 
    into @ParamterCurrencyAmount, @ParameterRollingVisitSum 


close ParameterCursor; 
deallocate ParameterCursor; 