2017-04-02 51 views


class LessonsTableViewController: UITableViewController { 

var mylessons = [["title":"Posture", "subtitle":"Set up your body", 
"bgimage":"Ln1", "lesimage":"Posture_pic", "lestitle":"So starting from 
the head and moving down:", "lescontent":"1) The top back part of your 
head should be pointing up.."], ..] 

override func viewDidLoad() { 


override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { 

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat { 
    return 150 

override func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int { 
    return 1 

什麼是努力實現?即沒有分離的目的? –


由於變量太長,所以我想打開一個新文件來存儲它並訪問它。無論新文件是.swift還是.json。謝謝 –


我建議創建一個*模型*給定對象,你的數組應該包含此模型,而不是'[字符串:字符串]對象'。 –



參考您定的代碼片段,爲實現MVC,你應該創建爲教訓哪位包含所需的屬性 - ,這樣的模型,mylessons數組應該包含教訓的對象。

如果你想層在不同的文件中分離(這是一個好主意),你可能希望創建一個文件 - Lesson.swift的示例 - ,其中包含你的模型,如下所示:


// Note that I decalred it as 'struct' 
// instead of 'class' do what is suitable 
// for your requirements... 
struct Lesson { 
    var title:String? 
    var subtitle: String? 
    var bgImage: String? 
    var lesImage: String? 
    var lesTitle: String? 


// note that myLessons data type is: '[Lesson]' 
var myLessons = [Lesson(title: "Posture", 
         subtitle: "Set up your body", 
         bgImage: "Ln1", 
         lesImage: "Posture_pic", 
         lesTitle: "So starting from the head and moving down", 
         lesContent: "1) The top back part of your head should be pointing up..")] 


func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { 

    let currentLesson = myLessons[indexPath.row] 

    // ... 



extension Dictionary where Key: ExpressibleByStringLiteral, Value: ExpressibleByStringLiteral { 
    func toLesson() -> Lesson { 
     var lessonToRetrun = Lesson() 

     if let title = self["title"] as? String { 
      lessonToRetrun.title = title 

     if let subtitle = self["subtitle"] as? String { 
      lessonToRetrun.subtitle = subtitle 

     if let bgimage = self["bgimage"] as? String { 
      lessonToRetrun.bgImage = bgimage 

     if let lesimage = self["lesimage"] as? String { 
      lessonToRetrun.lesImage = lesimage 

     if let lestitle = self["lestitle"] as? String { 
      lessonToRetrun.lesTitle = lestitle 

     if let lescontent = self["lescontent"] as? String { 
      lessonToRetrun.lesContent = lescontent 

     return lessonToRetrun 


let lessonDict = ["title":"Posture", 
        "subtitle":"Set up your body", 
        "bgimage":"Ln1", "lesimage":"Posture_pic", 
        "lestitle":"So starting from the head and moving down:", 
        "lescontent":"1) The top back part of your head should be pointing up.."] 

let convertedLesson = lessonDict.toLesson() 

// Lesson(title: Optional("Posture"), subtitle: Optional("Set up your body"), bgImage: Optional("Ln1"), lesImage: Optional("Posture_pic"), lesTitle: Optional("So starting from the head and moving down:"), lesContent: Optional("1) The top back part of your head should be pointing up..")) 




很好,非常感謝 –