2014-09-23 96 views


public Decimals plus(Decimals dec) { 
    //let's get the length of the 2 numbers 
    int this_len=this.getLength(), dec_len=dec.getLength(); 
    int longest_len; 
    //to simplify the code the two numbers are called long or short 
    Decimals short; //shortest <-- Syntax error on token 'short', ++ expected/Decimals cannot be resolved to a variable 
    Decimals long; //longest <-- Syntax error on token 'long', ++ expected/Decimals cannot be resolved to a variable 
    if (this_len >= dec_len){ 
     short = dec; // <-- Syntax error on token "=", delete this token/Duplicate local variable dec 
     long = this; // <-- Syntax error on token "long", invalid Expression 
     longest_len = this_len; 
    else { 
     short = this; // <-- Syntax error on token "short", VariableDeclaratorId expected after this token 
     long = dec; // <-- Syntax error on token "long", invalid Expression 
     longest_len = dec_len; 

'short'和'long'是原語。不能使用基元作爲變量名稱 – noMAD 2014-09-23 20:56:24


'short'和'long'是Java中的關鍵字。它們由語言保留,您不能將它們用作變量名稱。 – markspace 2014-09-23 20:56:29



shortlong是關鍵字。您不能將它們用作變量名稱。 shortestlongest會很好。


謝謝,我從未想過這件事 – maxpesa 2014-09-23 20:59:08
