- 我有一個窗口。我有一堂課。
- 該窗口是一個密碼登錄窗口,因此它有一個用戶名,密碼箱和登錄按鈕的文本框。這個窗口後面
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
namespace Masca
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for Login.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class Login : Elysium.Controls.Window
InvalidLogin secondForm;
// This window now knows that the loginc class exists. The class hold all MySQL related code
public loginc loginc;
// THis window now knows about the MainWindow. This is the window that will be opened after authetication checks are successful.
MainWindow window;
// The login window is now publically available to other windows.
public Login()
//This is the event that is carried out when the user clicks 'Login'
public void Logon_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// instantiate the class
loginc = new loginc();
//Check to see if the username is blank
if (username.Text == "")
//If it is, show the custom dialogue box "nousername"
new nousername().ShowDialog();
//Then check to see if the password is blank
else if (password.Password == "")
//If it is, show the custom dialogue box "nopassword"
new nopassword().ShowDialog();
// However if they both have content..
else if (username.Text != "" && password.Password != "")
// Trigger this method in the loginc class.
// This method is triggered by the login method in the loginc class if the credentials are valid
public void login()
window = new MainWindow(username.Text);
// This method is also triggered by the login method in the loginc class but only if the credentials are not valid
public void failLogin()
//If the entered username and password does not matchup with any record in the database, show the error messagebox 'InvalidLogin';
secondForm = new InvalidLogin();
//The form that opened the dialoge box is 'Login', the login window;
secondForm.setCreatingForm = this;
// Keep that in mind when you show the dialogue box;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
namespace Masca
public class loginc
//This class now knows about the login window.
public Login login;
// Constructor
public loginc()
// This method is triggered by the 'Logon_Click' event in the Login window
public void Login()
//instantiate the Login window
login = new Login();
//Database connection parameters
string sqlcon = "datasource=localhost;port=3306;username = root; password = root";
//Query to excecute
string query = "SELECT * FROM logon.login where username = '"+login.username.Text+"' and password = '"+login.password.Password+"';";
MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(sqlcon);
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand (query,con);
MySqlDataReader rdr;
// Excecution
rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
int count = 0;
while (rdr.Read())
count = count + 1;
// If the username and password matches a record in the database table..
if (count == 1)
//Trigger the login method in the login window
// Otherwise...
//Trigger the failLogin method in the login window
我猜(我可能是錯的)這很可能是因爲我實例化的類。我所引用的(在查詢中)+ login.username.Text +和+ login.password.Password +的詳細信息是從登錄窗口的另一個實例收集的,而不是我輸入的那個實例。因此,它收集的詳細信息是空白。
這也可以解釋爲什麼當我使用登錄表中的實際憑證替換+ login.username.Text +和+ login.password.Password +時,登錄窗口保持打開狀態,即使在MainWindow打開後,當我編程時它關閉。因爲它完全關閉了一個不同的實例。
你熟悉傳遞參數的概念並從函數返回值? –
我聞到SQL注入。 – Yahya