2015-11-17 58 views


FROMTIME:06:01:00 - TOTIME:23:59:00 = DAY 
FROMTIME:23:59:01 - TOTIME:06:00:00 = Night 

我有一輛車TIME_IN和TIME_OUT。 如何分類汽車間隔時間是DAY或Night或DayAndNight 。我使用的代碼,但它的執行很長一段時間:

Declare @From_Time_Day time 
\t \t ,@To_Time_Day time 
\t \t ,@From_Time_Night time 
\t \t ,@To_Time_Night time 
\t \t ,@Midnight time 
\t \t 
set @From_Time_Day = (select FROM_TIME from DAY_STATUS where DAY_CHECK=1) 
set @To_Time_Day = (select TO_TIME from DAY_STATUS where DAY_CHECK=1) 
set @From_Time_Night = (select FROM_TIME from DAY_STATUS where DAY_CHECK=2) 
set @To_Time_Night = (select TO_TIME from DAY_STATUS where DAY_CHECK=2) 
set @Midnight = '00:00:00' 

select * from (
\t (case when ( 
\t \t \t \t cast((select top 1 IO_TIME from IO_INFO where IO_STATUS= 'IN' and CA_ID = Data.CA_ID and IO_ID < Data.IO_ID order by IO_ID desc) as date) 
\t \t \t \t = cast(Data.IO_TIME as date) 
\t \t \t \t) 
\t \t then 
\t \t \t \t (
\t \t \t \t case when (
\t \t \t \t \t \t cast((select top 1 IO_TIME from IO_INFO where IO_STATUS= 'IN' and CA_ID = Data.CA_ID and IO_ID < Data.IO_ID order by IO_ID desc) as time) >= @From_Time_Day 
\t \t \t \t \t \t and cast(Data.IO_TIME as time) <[email protected]_Time_Day 
\t \t \t \t   ) then 'DAY'  
\t \t \t \t  when (
\t \t \t \t   cast((select top 1 IO_TIME from IO_INFO where IO_STATUS= 'IN' and CA_ID = Data.CA_ID and IO_ID < Data.IO_ID order by IO_ID desc) as time) >= @From_Time_Night 
\t \t \t \t   and cast(Data.IO_TIME as time) < @Midnight 
\t \t \t \t \t \t ) then 'Night' 
\t \t \t \t \t when (
\t \t \t \t \t  cast((select top 1 IO_TIME from IO_INFO where IO_STATUS= 'IN' and CA_ID = Data.CA_ID and IO_ID < Data.IO_ID order by IO_ID desc) as time) >= @Midnight 
\t \t \t \t \t \t and cast(Data.IO_TIME as time) <= @To_Time_Night 
\t \t \t \t \t  ) then 'Night' 
\t \t \t \t \t else 'DayAndNight' end 
\t \t \t \t) 
\t \t when (
\t \t \t \t cast((select top 1 IO_TIME from IO_INFO where IO_STATUS= 'IN' and CA_ID = Data.CA_ID and IO_ID < Data.IO_ID order by IO_ID desc) as date) 
\t \t \t \t <> cast(Data.IO_TIME as date) 
\t \t \t \t) 
\t \t then \t (
\t \t \t \t case when(
\t \t \t \t \t \t (cast((select top 1 IO_TIME from IO_INFO where IO_STATUS= 'IN' and CA_ID = Data.CA_ID and IO_ID < Data.IO_ID order by IO_ID desc) as time) >= @From_Time_Night and 
\t \t \t \t \t \t cast((select top 1 IO_TIME from IO_INFO where IO_STATUS= 'IN' and CA_ID = Data.CA_ID and IO_ID < Data.IO_ID order by IO_ID desc) as time) < @Midnight) 
\t \t \t \t \t \t and (cast(Data.IO_TIME as time)>[email protected] and cast(Data.IO_TIME as time)<[email protected]_Time_Night) 
\t \t \t \t   ) then 'Night' 
\t \t \t \t  else 'DayAndNight' end 
\t \t  ) 
\t \t end 
from IO_INFO as Data where IO_STATUS = 'OUT'





    , MultiDay 
    , CASE WHEN Multiday = 1 THEN 'Day/Night' 
     WHEN OutDAyNight+InDAyNight = 1 THEN 'Day/Night' 
     WHEN OutDAyNight+InDAyNight = 2 THEN 'Day' 
     WHEN OutDAyNight+InDAyNight = 0 THEN 'Night' END AS Periods 
      , CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(hour, [TimeOut],[TimeIn]) > 18 
       THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS MultiDay  
      , CASE WHEN DATEPART(hour, [TimeOut]) > 6 AND 
       DATEPART(hour, [TimeOut]) <=23 THEN 1 
       WHEN DATEPART(hour, [TimeOut]) = 6 AND 
       DATEPART(minute, [TimeOut]) > 0 THEN 1 
       ELSE 0 END AS OutDAyNight  
      , CASE WHEN DATEPART(hour, [TimeIn]) > 6 AND 
       DATEPART(hour, [TimeIn]) <=23 THEN 1 
       WHEN DATEPART(hour, [TimeIn]) = 6 AND 
       DATEPART(minute, [TimeIn]) > 0 THEN 1   
       ELSE 0 END AS InDAyNight  
      FROM [dbo].[TbCarInOut]) Times 

使用這種雙重查詢,在第一選擇(在腳本下一個),我使用了DateDiff函數,看看是否退出和汽車的收益之間的時間超過18小時,這肯定意味着有白天和黑夜時間。然後,我使用Datepart函數來了解是否外出時間是Night或Day,將Night設置爲0,對於Day設置爲1,對於時間In,這樣,在第二個查詢中,我可以使用一個簡單的例子,一個總和來決定這個時間段是白天/黑夜,白天還是夜晚。 HTH