2016-03-30 86 views


public class Divide { 

    Point2D closest1; 
    Point2D closest2; 
    double Distance = Double.MAX_VALUE; 
    int CurrentPoint = 0; 
    int NextPoint = 0; 

    public Divide(Point2D[] RandArray){ 
     SortArray s = new SortArray(); 

     //Sort the array using SortArray class 
     RandArray = s.SortPointsX(RandArray); 


    * Recursively call itself to check the distance between the points 
    * sent in as parameters. 
    * @param a first point to be compared for distance. 
    * @param b second point to be compared for distance. 
    * @param s array of points that is being compared. 
    * @return The distance of the closest pair. 
    private double ComparePoints(Point2D a, Point2D b, Point2D[] s){ 
       //Checks to make sure two points aren't the same 
       if (a.getX() != b.getX() || a.getY() != b.getY()){ 
        CheckDist(a, b); 

       // Increments the NextPoint if it's not the last point in the array 
       // and recursively calls the next point to compare current to. 
       if (b != s[s.length - 1]){ 
        ComparePoints(s[CurrentPoint], s[NextPoint], s); 

       /* Sets the NextPoint to whatever the Current point is to prevent 
       * wasting comparisons between two points that have already been 
       * checked. Also increments the current point, and recursively 
       * calls the next point to compare it to. 
       if (b == s[s.length - 1]){ 
        if (a != s[s.length - 1]){ 
        NextPoint = s.length - ((s.length - 1) - CurrentPoint); 
        ComparePoints(s[CurrentPoint], s[NextPoint], s); 

       //if the current point is the point at the end of the array it 
       //counters and returns the distance, ending the recursive calls 
       if (a == s[s.length - 1]){ 
        CurrentPoint = 0; 
        NextPoint = 0; 
        return Distance; 
      return Distance; 


    * Checks the distance between two points. 
    * @param a first point to be compared for distance. 
    * @param b second point to be compared for distance. 
    private void CheckDist(Point2D a, Point2D b) { 
     //Checks the distance between two points 
     if (Distance > a.distance(b)){ 
      Distance = a.distance(b); 

      //save the coordinates of the closest pair 
      closest1 = new Point2D.Double(a.getX(), a.getY()); 
      closest2 = new Point2D.Double(b.getX(), b.getY()); 

    * Splits the array into two subsets and finds the closest pair among them. 
    * @param RandArray the array to be divided and searched. 
    private void SplitAndConquer(Point2D[] RandArray){ 
     //median of the array used to split the list into subsets 
     double median = RandArray[RandArray.length/2].getX(); 

     //count used for splitting the array into subsets 
     int countS1 = 0; 
     int countS2 = 0; 

     //checks to see if the median is the point being sorted 
     boolean exact = false; 

     //Array to hold all points with x coordinate < median 
     Point2D[] s1 = new Point2D[RandArray.length/2]; 

     //Array to hold all points with x coordinate > median 
     Point2D[] s2 = new Point2D[RandArray.length/2]; 

     //Split the array comparing x coordinates and median 
     for (int i = 0; i < RandArray.length; i++){ 

      if (RandArray[i].getX() < median){ 
       s1[countS1] = RandArray[i]; 
      else if (RandArray[i].getX() > median){ 
       s2[countS2] = RandArray[i]; 
      //alternates median value to ensure even subsets 
      else if (RandArray[i].getX() == median && exact == false){ 
       s2[countS2] = RandArray[i]; 
       exact = true; 
      else if (RandArray[i].getX() == median && exact == true) { 
       s1[countS1] = RandArray[i]; 
       exact = false; 

     //Compares points if there are more than 2 points 
     if (s1.length > 2){ 
      ComparePoints(s1[0], s1[1], s1); 
      ComparePoints(s2[0], s2[0], s2); 
       ("One of the subsets does not contain enough points!"); 

     //Checks the points that lie on the median 
     CheckMid(RandArray, Distance, median, CurrentPoint, NextPoint); 

     //Prints the closest pair 

    * Prints the closest pairs found using Divide and Conquer 
    private void PrintClosest() { 
     System.out.println("The closest pair found using Divide " 
       + "And Conquer is at (" 
       + closest1.getX() + " " + closest1.getY() + "), and (" 
       + closest2.getX() + " " + closest2.getY() + ")"); 
     System.out.println("The distance between the pairs is: " + Distance); 


    * Checks the original array but only points located with the current 
    * distance from the median which was used to split for subsets. 
    * @param randArray Original array full of sorted points. 
    * @param d Current distance of the closest pair. 
    * @param m The median used to partition the array. 
    * @param current Current index of point being compared. 
    * @param next Index of the next point to be compared to current. 
    private void CheckMid(Point2D[] randArray, double d, double m, 
      int current, int next) { 

     //temp array list to hold all the points within the median + distance 
     ArrayList<Point2D.Double> temp = new ArrayList<Point2D.Double>(); 
     for(int i = 0; i < randArray.length; i++){ 
      if(randArray[i].getX() > (m - d) && 
        randArray[i].getX() < (m + d)){ 
       temp.add((java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double) randArray[i]); 

     //Creates a new array to hold the values in the array list 
     Point2D[] MidArray = new Point2D[temp.size()]; 
     for(int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) 
      MidArray[i] = temp.get(i); 

     //Makes sure the array list has enough points to be compared 
     if (MidArray.length >= 2){ 
      if (MidArray[0] != null && MidArray[1] != null){ 
      ComparePoints(MidArray[0], MidArray[1], MidArray); 

1)增加記憶力。 2)不要使用遞歸。 –








我需要爲這個項目使用遞歸,我不認爲增加堆棧大小是允許的。我必須想辦法讓它工作。 –


您將使用的最大陣列大小是多少?您可以減少Point2D對象的內存佔用量嗎? – Matt


這取決於,程序會採用具有一定數量座標的文件或隨機生成座標的用戶輸入大小。 –