typedef unsigned long precision;
typedef unsigned char uc;
const int kSpaceForByte = sizeof(precision) * 8 - 8;
const int kHalfPrec = sizeof(precision) * 8/2;
const precision kTop = ((precision)1) << kSpaceForByte;
const precision kBot = ((precision)1) << kHalfPrec;
//This must be called before encoding starts
void RangeCoder::StartEncode(){
_low = 0;
_range = (precision) -1;
RangeCoder does not concern itself with models of the data.
To encode each symbol, you pass the parameters *cumFreq*, which gives
the cumulative frequency of the possible symbols ordered before this symbol,
*freq*, which gives the frequency of this symbol. And *totFreq*, which gives
the total frequency of all symbols.
This means that you can have different frequency distributions/models for
each encoded symbol, as long as you can restore the same distribution at
this point, when restoring.
void RangeCoder::Encode(precision cumFreq, precision freq, precision totFreq){
assert(cumFreq + freq <= totFreq && freq && totFreq <= kBot);
_low += cumFreq * (_range /= totFreq);
_range *= freq;
while ((_low^_low + _range) < kTop or
_range < kBot and ((_range= -_low & kBot - 1), 1)){
//the "a or b and (r=..,1)" idiom is a way to assign r only if a is false.
OutByte(_low >> kSpaceForByte); //output one byte.
_range <<= sizeof(uc) * 8;
_low <<= sizeof(uc) * 8;
以下是我的想法。一種方法是使用狀態monad和/或鏡頭。另一種方法是將循環和狀態轉換爲顯式遞歸。我在某處讀到顯式遞歸往往在ghc上表現不佳。我認爲使用ByteString Builder會是輸出每個字節的好方法。假設我在64位平臺上運行,我應該使用unboxed Word64參數嗎?如果我將精度降低到32位,壓縮質量不會顯着降低。 GHC會爲此更好地優化嗎?
由於這不是1-1映射,因此使用StateP的管道會導致非常整齊的代碼,我會一次請求一個參數,然後讓while循環響應字節的字節。不幸的是,當我對它進行基準測試時,看起來管道開銷(不出所料)是相當大的。由於每個符號都可能導致很多字節輸出,所以感覺有點像帶有狀態的concatMap。也許這將是慣用的解決方案?雖然,連接字節列表對我來說聽起來不是很快。 ByteString有一個concatMap。也許這是正確的方法?編輯:不,它不是。它需要一個ByteString作爲輸入。
請重新設置代碼的格式以符合問題欄的寬度。 – leventov
只有評論堅持我認爲,但我會解決! – Gurgeh