addEventHandler(document.getElementById('btnAdd'), "click", function()
{ addNewItem(); }, false);
addEventHandler(document.getElementById('btnAdd'), "click", addNewItem, false);
addEventHandler(document.getElementById('btnAdd'), "click", function()
{ addNewItem(); }, false);
addEventHandler(document.getElementById('btnAdd'), "click", addNewItem, false);
傳遞匿名函數,什麼都不做,除了重用調用單個其他函數(如您的示例)只是膨脹 - 內聯函數表達式的冗長性,同時仍具有命名函數,它是兩個世界中最糟糕的。
我在回答中指出了一些好處。 –
+1,但有一種情況需要anon函數:當明確需要* not *來傳遞'event'參數(或類似的)時。 – Bergi
addEventHandler(document.getElementById('btnAdd'), "click", function() {
// addNewItem implementation
}, false);
我會用這個JS Fiddle來解釋我以前的標準,現行標準,以及爲什麼我放棄了舊標準。總之,我從一些錯誤中瞭解到,包裝匿名函數的傳遞可以更安全地重構,因爲您必須明確地編寫要傳遞給函數的參數。不過,這兩種模式都有它們的位置。
var btn = document.getElementById('btn');
var btn2 = document.getElementById('btn2');
//I previously tended to pass in function name references. However, I recently moved towards
//passing in anonymous functions because I found that pattern to be a bit more refactor safe.
//More specifically, it is more refactor safe when you suspect the signature of our function
//will change. If you never expect the function's signature to change, then I guess you shouldn't
//need to worry about passing in an anonymous function.
//Because of the way addEventListener uses addNewItem, addNewItem will always receive one
//paramter: the event object. Therefore, we are not using addNewItem correct. It expects one
//argument that is message. Previously, we were calling addNewItem correctly when it looked like
//addNewItemOld and expected zero arguments. Click "Add message incorrect" to see the incorrect
btn.addEventListener("click", addNewItem);
//Now I often to wrap my function calls in anonymous functions because I know exactly what arguments
//I'm passing into my function. In this case I am explicitely not passing in a message. Now, we are
//using the addNewItem function correctly
btn2.addEventListener("click", function(e) { addNewItem(); });
//This function has been refactored. It used to look like addNewItemOld. The way
//this function's signature has been refactored is particularly interesting. It now
//has an optional paramter called message.
function addNewItem(message) {
var span =document.createTextNode(message || "Now nodes have a default message"),
workspace = document.getElementById("workspace");
function addNewItemOld() {
var span =document.createTextNode("Every node has the same message"),
workspace = document.getElementById("workspace");
在你的例子中,使用匿名函數沒有意義。 – Jivings
你從哪裏聽說你的第一個例子是更好的練習? – Ian
當需要將參數傳遞給來自當前作用域的'addNewItem'時,第一個參數很有用。你的第二個例子顯然不能這樣做。但我不會稱之爲「更好」的做法。 **不使用匿名函數的另一個原因是當它處於循環內部並且您以這種方式調用'addEventHandler'時。你可以在每次迭代時創建一個新函數,當你可以很容易地引用'addNewItem',它會創建一次 – Ian