// Abstraction of your commands/results
enum Command {
case Command1(arg: Float)
case Command2(arg: Int, arg2: Int)
struct CommandResult {
let command: Command
let data: NSData
extension Command {
func toByteCommand() -> NSData {
return NSData()
// Make sure to setup notifications before subscribing to returned observable!!!
func processCommand(notifyCharacteristic: Characteristic,
_ writeCharacteristic: Characteristic,
_ command: Command) -> Observable<CommandResult> {
// This observable will take care of accumulating data received from notifications
let result = notifyCharacteristic.monitorValueUpdate()
.takeWhile { characteristic in
// Your logic which know when to stop reading notifications.
return true
.reduce(NSMutableData(), accumulator: { (data, characteristic) -> NSMutableData in
// Your custom code to append data?
if let packetData = characteristic.value {
return data
// Your code for sending commands, flatmap with more commands if needed or do something similar
let query = writeCharacteristic.writeValue(command.toByteCommand(), type: .WithResponse)
return Observable.zip(result, query, resultSelector: { (result: NSMutableData, query: Characteristic) -> CommandResult in
// This block will be called after query is executed and correct result is collected.
// You can now return some command specific result.
return CommandResult(command: command, data: result)
// If you would like to serialize multiple commands, you can do for example:
func processMultipleCommands(notifyCharacteristic: Characteristic,
writeCharacteristic: Characteristic,
commands: [Command]) -> Observable<()> {
return Observable.from(Observable.just(commands))
// concatMap would be more appropriate, because in theory we should wait for
// flatmap result before processing next command. It's not available in RxSwift yet.
.flatMap { command in
return processCommand(notifyCharacteristic, writeCharacteristic, command)
.map { result in