2017-01-09 89 views



This Configuration詳細信息將有助於生成可配置產品和關聯子產品之間的關係,這些部分在編程創建產品時不起作用。



use \Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap; 
include($magentoDirPath.'/app/bootstrap.php'); // File Path 

// add bootstrap 
$bootstraps = Bootstrap::create(BP, $_SERVER); 
$object_Manager = $bootstraps->getObjectManager(); 

$app_state = $object_Manager->get('\Magento\Framework\App\State'); 

//simple product 
$simple_product = $object_Manager->create('\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product'); 
$simple_product->setName('test name simple'); 
$simple_product->setColor(4); // value id of S size 
    'use_config_manage_stock' => 0, //'Use config settings' checkbox 
    'manage_stock' => 1, //manage stock 
    'min_sale_qty' => 1, //Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart 
    'max_sale_qty' => 2, //Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart 
    'is_in_stock' => 1, //Stock Availability 
    'qty' => 100 //qty 


$simple_product_id = $simple_product->getId(); 
echo "simple product id: ".$simple_product_id."\n"; 

//configurable product 
$configurable_product = $object_Manager->create('\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product'); 
$configurable_product->setName('test name configurable'); 
$configurable_product->setColor(4); // value id of S size 
    'use_config_manage_stock' => 0, //'Use config settings' checkbox 
    'manage_stock' => 1, //manage stock 
    'min_sale_qty' => 1, //Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart 
    'max_sale_qty' => 2, //Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart 
    'is_in_stock' => 1, //Stock Availability 
    'qty' => 100 //qty 
$configurable_product->getTypeInstance()->setUsedProductAttributeIds(array(93),$configurable_product); //attribute ID of attribute 'size_general' in my store 
$configurableAttributesData = $configurable_product->getTypeInstance()->getConfigurableAttributesAsArray($configurable_product); 


$configurableProductsData = array(); 
$configurableProductsData[$simple_product_id] = array( 
    '0' => array(
     'label' => 'Color', //attribute label 
     'attribute_id' => '93', //attribute ID of attribute 'size_general' in my store 
     'value_index' => '4', //value of 'S' index of the attribute 'size_general' 
     'is_percent' => 0, 
     'pricing_value' => '10', 

// 1 - Static ID of Product 

$configurableProductsData['1'] = array(    
    '0' => array(
     'label' => 'Color', //attribute label 
     'attribute_id' => '93', //attribute ID of attribute 'size_general' in my store 
     'value_index' => '5', //value of 'S' index of the attribute 'size_general' 
     'is_percent' => 0, 
     'pricing_value' => '10', 

// 91 - Static ID of Product 
$configurableProductsData['91'] = array( 
    '0' => array(
     'label' => 'Color', //attribute label 
     'attribute_id' => '93', //attribute ID of attribute 'size_general' in my store 
     'value_index' => '6', //value of 'S' index of the attribute 'size_general' 
     'is_percent' => 0, 
     'pricing_value' => '10', ini_set("display_errors",1); 

     use \Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap; 
     include($magentoDirPath.'/app/bootstrap.php'); // File Path 

     // add bootstrap 
     $bootstraps = Bootstrap::create(BP, $_SERVER); 
     $object_Manager = $bootstraps->getObjectManager(); 

     $app_state = $object_Manager->get('\Magento\Framework\App\State'); 

     //simple product 
     $simple_product = $object_Manager->create('\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product'); 
     $simple_product->setName('test name simple'); 
     $simple_product->setColor(4); // value id of S size 
      'use_config_manage_stock' => 0, //'Use config settings' checkbox 
      'manage_stock' => 1, //manage stock 
      'min_sale_qty' => 1, //Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart 
      'max_sale_qty' => 2, //Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart 
      'is_in_stock' => 1, //Stock Availability 
      'qty' => 100 //qty 


     $simple_product_id = $simple_product->getId(); 
     echo "simple product id: ".$simple_product_id."\n"; 

     //configurable product 
     $configurable_product = $object_Manager->create('\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product'); 
     $configurable_product->setName('test name configurable'); 
     $configurable_product->setColor(4); // value id of S size 
      'use_config_manage_stock' => 0, //'Use config settings' checkbox 
      'manage_stock' => 1, //manage stock 
      'min_sale_qty' => 1, //Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart 
      'max_sale_qty' => 2, //Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart 
      'is_in_stock' => 1, //Stock Availability 
      'qty' => 100 //qty 

     $configurable_product->getTypeInstance()->setUsedProductAttributeIds(array(93),$configurable_product); //attribute ID of attribute 'size_general' in my store 
     $configurableAttributesData = $configurable_product->getTypeInstance()->getConfigurableAttributesAsArray($configurable_product); 


     $configurableProductsData = array(); 
     $configurableProductsData[$simple_product_id] = array( 
      '0' => array(
       'label' => 'Color', //attribute label 
       'attribute_id' => '93', //attribute ID of attribute 'size_general' in my store 
       'value_index' => '4', //value of 'S' index of the attribute 'size_general' 
       'is_percent' => 0, 
       'pricing_value' => '10', 

     // 1 - Static ID of Product 

     $configurableProductsData['1'] = array(    
      '0' => array(
       'label' => 'Color', //attribute label 
       'attribute_id' => '93', //attribute ID of attribute 'size_general' in my store 
       'value_index' => '5', //value of 'S' index of the attribute 'size_general' 
       'is_percent' => 0, 
       'pricing_value' => '10', 

     // 91 - Static ID of Product 
      $configurableProductsData['91'] = array( 
      '0' => array(
       'label' => 'Color', //attribute label 
       'attribute_id' => '93', //attribute ID of attribute 'size_general' in my store 
       'value_index' => '6', //value of 'S' index of the attribute 'size_general' 
       'is_percent' => 0, 
       'pricing_value' => '10', 


     $associatedProductIds =array($simple_product_id,'1','91'); 
     $configurable_product->getTypeInstance()->setUsedProductAttributeIds(array(93), $configurable_product); 

     $configProductId = $configurable_product->getId(); 

     echo "Product id: ".$configurable_product->getId()."\n"; 



$associatedProductIds =array($simple_product_id,'1','91'); 
$configurable_product->getTypeInstance()->setUsedProductAttributeIds(array(93), $configurable_product); 

$configProductId = $configurable_product->getId(); 

echo "Product id: ".$configurable_product->getId()."\n"; 






IDS在這裏定義工作代碼:$ associatedProductIds =陣列(2042,2044) ; 屬性是顏色,必須在默認屬性集,可以更然後1,如果你複製attributeValues陣列,並將其添加在這裏: $ configurableAttributesData = []

$ob = ObjectManager::getInstance(); 

/** @var $installer \Magento\Catalog\Setup\CategorySetup */ 
$installer = $ob->create('Magento\Catalog\Setup\CategorySetup'); 

/** @var ProductRepositoryInterface $productRepository */ 
$productRepository = $ob->create(ProductRepositoryInterface::class); 
/** @var $installer CategorySetup */ 
$installer = $ob->create(CategorySetup::class); 
/* Create simple products per each option value*/ 
/** @var AttributeOptionInterface[] $options */ 
$attributeSetId = $installer->getAttributeSetId('catalog_product', 'Default'); 

$eavConfig = $ob->get('Magento\Eav\Model\Config'); 
$attribute = $eavConfig->getAttribute('catalog_product', 'color'); 

$options = $attribute->getOptions(); 
array_shift($options); //remove the first option which is empty 

$attributeValues = []; 

foreach ($options as $option) { 
    $attributeValues[] = [ 
     'label' => 'test', 
     'attribute_id' => $attribute->getId(), 
     'value_index' => $option->getValue(), 

$associatedProductIds=array(2042, 2044); 

/** @var Factory $optionsFactory */ 
$optionsFactory = $ob->create(Factory::class); 
$configurableAttributesData = [ 
     'attribute_id' => $attribute->getId(), 
     'code' => $attribute->getAttributeCode(), 
     'label' => $attribute->getStoreLabel(), 
     'position' => '0', 
     'values' => $attributeValues, 

/** @var $product Product */ 
$product = $ob->create(Product::class); 

$configurableOptions = $optionsFactory->create($configurableAttributesData); 

$extensionConfigurableAttributes = $product->getExtensionAttributes(); 

    ->setStockData(['use_config_manage_stock' => 1, 'is_in_stock' => 1]); 