2014-09-02 24 views

我的問題是,我試圖刮一堆不同的網站,找到所有可見的文本下載到.txt文件 - 不幸的是,我不是從這些網站獲取所有可能的文本。我已經發布的低於我的代碼工作的例子:美麗的湯不颳去所有可見的網站數據(Python 3)

import requests 
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup 
from collections import Counter 

urls = ['https://www304.americanexpress.com/credit-card/compare'] 

with open('thisisanew.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile: 
    for url in urls: 
     website = requests.get(url) 
     soup = BeautifulSoup(website.content) 
     text = [''.join(s.findAll(text=True))for s in soup.findAll('p')] 
     for item in text: 
      print(item, file=outfile) 

如果測試出這些代碼,你得到的是以下數據 -

Ratings & Reviews for this card are currently not available 
Ratings & Reviews for this card are currently not available 
Ratings & Reviews for this card are currently not available 
All users of our online services subject to Privacy Statement and agree to be bound by Terms of etc... 





print(soup.body.text, file=outfile) 

如果你想避免script標籤內容被寫入到結果,你可以找到頂級的所有標籤(見recursive=False )並加入文本:

print(''.join([element.text for element in soup.body.find_all(lambda tag: tag != 'script', recursive=False)])) 

嗨Alecx,我想到了,但這給了我所有的數據在頁面上,它的許多沒用(即如果(NAV == null || typeof(NAV)== 「undefined」){var NAV = new Object()} NAV.RWD = {body:document.g etElementsByTagName) - 這兩種方法之間有妥協嗎? – user3682157 2014-09-02 04:45:49


@ user3682157好吧,對,但是您不能輕鬆可靠地查看某個元素是否「可見」或未使用Beautifulsoup。至少可以跳過「script」標籤。或者,你可以切換到硒,這將真正知道什麼是可見的,什麼是不可見的。 – alecxe 2014-09-02 04:50:53


@ user3682157我已更新答案,包括跳過'script'標籤內容。 – alecxe 2014-09-02 11:55:35