2012-10-18 20 views

爲了紀念Rebol 3開放源代碼any-minute-now (?),我又回到了搞亂它。作爲練習,我試圖用PARSE方言編寫自己的JSON解析器。PARSE方言應該用於基本上關於修改輸入的任務嗎?

既然道格拉斯克羅克福德credits influence of Rebol on his discovery of JSON,我認爲這很容易。除了使用方括號替換大括號並擺脫所有這些逗號之外,僅在字符串上使用LOAD的障礙之一是,當他們想要做相當於SET-WORD!的事實時,他們使用的東西看起來像字符串給Rebol的標記器與後非法流浪冒號:

    "key one": { 
     "summary": "This is the string content for key one's summary", 
     "value": 7 
    "key two": { 
     "summary": "Another actually string, not supposed to be a 'symbol'", 
     "value": 100 

基本上,我想找到所有的都像"foo bar":的情況下,把它們變成foo-bar:,同時留下了後面沒有冒號單靠匹配報價對。

當我在PARSE中解決這個問題時(我原則上理解的很好,但仍未使用太多),出現了一些問題。但是,主要的是,當你可以逃避代碼並修改解析器下的系列時(特別是在Rebol 3中),有什麼承諾條件?更一般地說,它是「適合這種工作的工具」


any [ 
    ; require a matched pair of quotes & capture series positions before 
    ; and after the first quote, and before the last quote 

    to {"} beforePos: skip startPos: to {"} endPos: skip 

    ; optional colon next (if not there the rest of the next rule is skipped) 

    opt [ 

     ; if we got to this part of the optional match rule, there was a colon. 
     ; we escape to code changing spaces to dashes in the range we captured 

      setWordString: copy/part startPos endPos 
      replace/all setWordString space "-" 
      change startPos setWordString 

     ; break back out into the parse dialect, and instead of changing the 
     ; series length out from under the parser we jump it back to the position 
     ; before that first quote that we saw 


     ; Now do the removals through a match rule. We know they are there and 
     ; this will not cause this "colon-case" match rule to fail...because we 
     ; saw those two quotes on the first time through! 

     remove [{"}] to {"} remove [{"}] 





這不是你要求的,但是如果你還沒有這樣的代碼,請檢查這段代碼:http://reb4.me/r/altjson REBOL <-> Christopher Ross-Gill的JSON轉換器。 – endo64




token: [ 
    and [{"} thru {"} any " " ":"] 
    remove {"} copy key to {"} remove {"} remove any " " 
    (key: replace/all key " " "-") 

parse/all json [ 
    any [ 
     to {"} [ 
      and change token key 
      ; next rule here, example: 
      copy new-key thru ":" (probe new-key) 
      | skip 


token: [ 
    {"} copy key to {"} skip any " " and ":" 
    (key: replace/all key " " "-") 

parse/all json [ 
    any [ 
     to {"} change token key 
     | thru {"} 

編輯:另一種軟糖周圍change -

token: [ 
    and [{"} key: to {"} key.: skip any " " ":"] 
    (key: replace/all copy/part key key. " " "-") 
    remove to ":" insert key 

parse/all json [ 
    any [to {"} [token | skip]] 

+1這回答了一些「這是可能的」部分。潛在的緩慢也是一個好點。雖然我仍然想知道與PARSE簽訂的合同的合法性限制。最簡單的合同是*「不要改變解析器下的輸入」*,但是如果你的輸入是嵌套塊而不是字符串別名可能使得難以承諾。另外:我添加了一個[meta post](http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/152002/why-do-unknown-language-ids-in-prettification-fall-back-to-guessing-instead-of)關於語法突出顯示編輯我對你的帖子... – HostileFork


我沒有看到改變輸入的問題,本身,我猜如果你希望在某些其他點的值不變,麻煩會。有點像做--'鍵:「鍵」打印大寫鍵「 - 沒有意識到你已經改變了字符串''鍵'指向。我想這取決於你想成爲多麼聰明。 「'和'imo背後的哲學爲更多負責任的多通解析提供了方法,尤其是如果第一遍修改源代碼的話。無論如何,仍然不確定是否抓住了你的問題的本質,想:) – rgchris


同意語法 - 如果它不承認lang-rebol,最好不要着色。 – rgchris



copy token [rule] (append output token) 


thru {"} skip copy key to {"} skip 
; we know ":" must be there, no check 
thru {"} copy content to {"} skip 
(append output rejoin[ {"} your-magic-with key {":"} content {"} ]) 


any space {"} copy key some [ string-char | "\" skip ] {"} 
any space ":" any space {"} copy content any [ string-char | "\" skip ] {"} 
(append output rejoin[ {"} your-magic-with key {":"} content {"} ]) 
; content can be empty -> any, key not -> some 


不知道R3仍然是這樣的...: -/


PARSE與EBNF不兼容。相反,它與TDPL語言系列(包括TDPL,GTDPL和PEG)兼容。 – Ladislav



