我遵循了蘋果開發者文檔,特別是顯示如何生成密鑰對的示例,使用公鑰進行加密並使用私鑰進行解密。在本指南中有三個示例方法(第19頁起here)。ios keychain中的公鑰更改得到
在視圖 - 控制:
[CryptoClass generateKeyPairPlease];
NSData *data = [CryptoClass encryptWithPublicKey];
[CryptoClass decryptWithPrivateKey:data];
static const UInt8 publicKeyIdentifier[] = "com.apple.sample.publickey\0";
static const UInt8 privateKeyIdentifier[] = "com.apple.sample.privatekey\0";
+ (NSData *)encryptWithPublicKey
OSStatus status = noErr;
size_t cipherBufferSize;
uint8_t *cipherBuffer; // 1
// [cipherBufferSize]
const uint8_t dataToEncrypt[] = "the quick brown fox jumps "
"over the lazy dog\0"; // 2
size_t dataLength = sizeof(dataToEncrypt)/sizeof(dataToEncrypt[0]);
SecKeyRef publicKey = NULL; // 3
NSData * publicTag = [NSData dataWithBytes:publicKeyIdentifier
length:strlen((const char *)publicKeyIdentifier)]; // 4
NSMutableDictionary *queryPublicKey =
[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; // 5
[queryPublicKey setObject:(__bridge id)kSecClassKey forKey:(__bridge id)kSecClass];
[queryPublicKey setObject:publicTag forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrApplicationTag];
[queryPublicKey setObject:(__bridge id)kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrKeyType];
[queryPublicKey setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:(__bridge id)kSecReturnRef];
// 6
status = SecItemCopyMatching
((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)queryPublicKey, (CFTypeRef *)&publicKey); // 7
// Allocate a buffer
cipherBufferSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(publicKey);
cipherBuffer = malloc(cipherBufferSize);
// Error handling
if (cipherBufferSize < sizeof(dataToEncrypt)) {
// Ordinarily, you would split the data up into blocks
// equal to cipherBufferSize, with the last block being
// shorter. For simplicity, this example assumes that
// the data is short enough to fit.
printf("Could not decrypt. Packet too large.\n");
return NULL;
// Encrypt using the public.
status = SecKeyEncrypt( publicKey,
(size_t) dataLength,
); // 8
// Error handling
// Store or transmit the encrypted text
if (publicKey) CFRelease(publicKey);
NSData *encryptedData = [NSData dataWithBytes:cipherBuffer length:dataLength];
return encryptedData;
+ (void)generateKeyPairPlease
OSStatus status = noErr;
NSMutableDictionary *privateKeyAttr = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
NSMutableDictionary *publicKeyAttr = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
NSMutableDictionary *keyPairAttr = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
// 2
NSData * publicTag = [NSData dataWithBytes:publicKeyIdentifier
length:strlen((const char *)publicKeyIdentifier)];
NSData * privateTag = [NSData dataWithBytes:privateKeyIdentifier
length:strlen((const char *)privateKeyIdentifier)];
// 3
SecKeyRef publicKey = NULL;
SecKeyRef privateKey = NULL; // 4
[keyPairAttr setObject:(__bridge id)kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA
forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrKeyType]; // 5
[keyPairAttr setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1024]
forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrKeySizeInBits]; // 6
[privateKeyAttr setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]
forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrIsPermanent]; // 7
[privateKeyAttr setObject:privateTag
forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrApplicationTag]; // 8
[publicKeyAttr setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]
forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrIsPermanent]; // 9
[publicKeyAttr setObject:publicTag
forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrApplicationTag]; // 10
[keyPairAttr setObject:privateKeyAttr
forKey:(__bridge id)kSecPrivateKeyAttrs]; // 11
[keyPairAttr setObject:publicKeyAttr
forKey:(__bridge id)kSecPublicKeyAttrs]; // 12
status = SecKeyGeneratePair((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)keyPairAttr,
&publicKey, &privateKey); // 13
// error handling...
if(publicKey) CFRelease(publicKey);
if(privateKey) CFRelease(privateKey); // 14
+ (void)decryptWithPrivateKey: (NSData *)dataToDecrypt
OSStatus status = noErr;
size_t cipherBufferSize = [dataToDecrypt length];
uint8_t *cipherBuffer = (uint8_t *)[dataToDecrypt bytes];
size_t plainBufferSize;
uint8_t *plainBuffer;
SecKeyRef privateKey = NULL;
NSData * privateTag = [NSData dataWithBytes:privateKeyIdentifier
length:strlen((const char *)privateKeyIdentifier)];
NSMutableDictionary *queryPrivateKey = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
// Set the private key query dictionary.
[queryPrivateKey setObject:(__bridge id)kSecClassKey forKey:(__bridge id)kSecClass];
[queryPrivateKey setObject:privateTag forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrApplicationTag];
[queryPrivateKey setObject:(__bridge id)kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrKeyType];
[queryPrivateKey setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:(__bridge id)kSecReturnRef];
// 1
status = SecItemCopyMatching
((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)queryPrivateKey, (CFTypeRef *)&privateKey); // 2
// Allocate the buffer
plainBufferSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(privateKey);
plainBuffer = malloc(plainBufferSize);
if (plainBufferSize < cipherBufferSize) {
// Ordinarily, you would split the data up into blocks
// equal to plainBufferSize, with the last block being
// shorter. For simplicity, this example assumes that
// the data is short enough to fit.
printf("Could not decrypt. Packet too large.\n");
// Error handling
status = SecKeyDecrypt( privateKey,
); // 3
// Error handling
// Store or display the decrypted text
NSLog(@"Plain: %@",[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(const char *)plainBuffer]);
if(privateKey) CFRelease(privateKey);
我一直在嘗試許多不同的指南和閱讀,大量鄰f這裏的帖子試圖讓這個工作。我也試過Apples KeyChainWrapperItem來存儲和檢索沒有運氣的鍵。我還在這裏發現了一篇文章,描述並顯示了以數據格式獲取密鑰的確切代碼,但由於某種原因返回nil。
我所做的就是用馬特加拉格爾的NSData的+ Base64編碼類打印的加密字符串,可以直觀地看到該字符串是非常不同的每個通過,即使我不會產生與此代碼一個新的關鍵的最後一件事:
NSData *data = [CryptoClass encryptWithPublicKey];
NSLog(@"String: %@", [data base64EncodedString]); // Print encrypted data as base64
[CryptoClass decryptWithPrivateKey:data];