// options for pool_base-based pools
struct pool_options
// pool initial_size
const uint32 initial_size;
// can pool grow?
const bool can_grow;
// if minimum free space by percent?
// true for percentage size, false for fixed-amount-of-bytes minimum.
const bool min_by_percent;
// minimum value.
const uint32 minimum_size;
// is growth by percentage?
// true for percentage size, false for fixed-amount-of-bytes growth.
const bool grow_by_percent;
// growth value.
const uint32 grow_size;
// true to prevent manager from free up extra space.
const bool keep_extra_space;
// is shrinkage by percent?
// true for percentage size, false for fixed-amount-of-bytes shrinkage.
const bool max_by_percent;
// maximum value.
const uint32 maximum_size;
// is defragment occur by percent?
// true for percentage defragment, false for fixed-amount-of-bytes defragment.
// if percentage of fragmented memory from total memory occur then defragment take place.
const bool defrag_by_percent;
// fragment size
const uint32 fragment_size;
我會初始化構造函數初始化列表中的常量,但問題是我需要做額外的檢查,以驗證輸入值但是會導致編譯器發出信號l-value specifies const object
pool_options(uint32 is, bool cg, bool mip, uint32 mis, bool gp, uint32 gs, bool kes, bool map, uint32 mas, bool dp, uint32 fs)
: initial_size(is), can_grow(cg), min_by_percent(mip), minimum_size(mis), grow_by_percent(gp),
grow_size(gs), keep_extra_space(kes), max_by_percent(map), maximum_size(mas), defrag_by_percent(dp), fragment_size(fs)
if (can_grow)
if (min_by_percent && minimum_size > 100) minimum_size = 100;
if (grow_by_percent && grow_size > 100) grow_size = 100;
min_by_percent = false;
minimum_size = 0;
grow_by_percent = false;
grow_size = 0;
if (keep_extra_space)
max_by_percent = false;
maximum_size = 0;
if (max_by_percent && maximum_size > 100) maximum_size = 100;
if (defrag_by_percent)
if (fragment_size > 100) fragment_size = 100;
你需要做驗證的成員初始化列表。你確實需要注意成員的初始化順序。您甚至可以在初始化程序列表中調用函數來執行這些檢查。 –