2016-08-01 107 views


但是,我需要將它們的編號保存到某個變量以及它們的名稱中,然後打印出該組的列表。 爲此,我需要一個變量,每次循環添加另一個學生時都會變化。我還需要對這些數字進行排序,然後以某種方式回覆它們在被分組後分享的名稱,並且我不確定如何執行其中的任何操作。有沒有辦法做到這一點,我將不得不使用另一種語言?


from easygui import * 
times = 0 
name = 0 

s_yn = ynbox("Would you like to enter a student?") 
while s_yn == 1: 
    msg = "Student's Information" 
    title = "House Sorting Program" 
    fieldNames = ["Name", "Grade","Athleticism (1-10)","Intellect (1-10)","Adherance to school rules (1-10)"] 
    fieldValues = [] 
    fieldValues = multenterbox(msg,title, fieldNames) 

    times = times + 1 

    ath = fieldValues[2] 
    int_ = fieldValues[3] 
    adh = fieldValues[4] 
    ath = int(ath) 
    int_ = int(int_) 
    adh = int(adh) 
    total = ath+int_+adh 

    s_yn = ynbox("Would you like to enter a student?") 

您有問題要問? – zeantsoi


你是對的,我的不好 –


我認爲部分答案可能是使用[defaultdict](https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.html#collections.defaultdict),它默認爲一個空的數組,然後按照他們的總分添加學生的姓名。例如'my_default_dict [合計] .append(student_name)'。只能想到嘗試將它們分組並使它們儘可能地得分的天真方式。 – freebie




from easygui import * 
from operator import attrgetter 

class Student(object): 

    def __init__(self, name, grade, athleticism, intellect, adherance): 
     self.name = name 
     self.grade = int(grade) 
     self.athleticism = int(athleticism) 
     self.intellect = int(intellect) 
     self.adherance = int(adherance) 
     self.total = self.athleticism + self.intellect + self.adherance 

    def __str__(self): # When converting an instance of this class to a string it'll return the string below. 
     return "Name: %s, Grade: %s, Athleticism (1-10): %s, Intellect (1-10): %s, Adherance to school rules (1-10): %s"\ 
       % (self.name, self.grade, self.athleticism, self.intellect, self.adherance) 

student_group = [] 
while ynbox("Would you like to enter a student?"): # Returns 'True' or 'False' so it'll loop every time the user press 'yes'. 
    message = "Student's Information" 
    title = "House Sorting Program" 
    field_names = ["Name", "Grade", "Athleticism (1-10)", "Intellect (1-10)", "Adherance to school rules (1-10)"] 
    field_values = multenterbox(message, title, field_names) 

    student = Student(*field_values) # Unpack all elements in the list 'field_values' to the initializer. 
    student_group.append(student) # Add the student to the group 'student_group'. 

# When the user has put in all the students we sort our group by 'total' (or any other value you want to sort by). 
sorted_group = sorted(student_group, key=attrgetter("total"), reverse=True) 

# Just as an example I divided the students into 3 groups based on their total. 
best_students = sorted_group[:len(sorted_group) // 3] 
average_students = sorted_group[len(sorted_group) // 3:2 * len(sorted_group) // 3] 
worst_students = sorted_group[2 * len(sorted_group) // 3::]