// debug: clear session
if (isset($_GET['reset'])) { unset($_SESSION['activity']); }
// sample data: db table with your forum ids
$forums = array(
// forumID forumTitle
'1' => 'Public Chat',
'2' => 'Member Area',
'3' => 'Moderator Mayhem'
// sample data: db table with your forum posts
$posts = array(
// postID forumID postTitle
'12345' => array( 'fID'=>'1', 'title'=>'Hello World'),
'12346' => array( 'fID'=>'3', 'title'=>'I hate you all'),
'12347' => array( 'fID'=>'1', 'title'=>'Greetings!'),
'12348' => array( 'fID'=>'2', 'title'=>'Car thread'),
'12349' => array( 'fID'=>'1', 'title'=>'I like turtles!'),
'12350' => array( 'fID'=>'2', 'title'=>'Food thread'),
'12351' => array( 'fID'=>'3', 'title'=>'FR33 V1AGR4'),
'12352' => array( 'fID'=>'3', 'title'=>'CAPSLOCK IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!'),
'12353' => array( 'fID'=>'2', 'title'=>'Funny pictures thread'),
// sample data: db table with the last read post from each forum
$userhist = array(
// forumID postID
'1' => '12344',
'2' => '12350',
'3' => '12346'
// reference for shorter code
$s = &$_SESSION['activity'];
// store user's history into session
if (!isset($s)) { $s = $userhist; }
// mark forum as read
if (isset($_GET['mark'])) {
$mid = (int)$_GET['mark'];
if (array_key_exists($mid, $forums)) {
// sets the last read post to the last entry in $posts
$s[$mid] = array_search(end($posts), $posts);
// mark all forums as read
elseif ($mid == 0) {
foreach ($forums as $fid=>$finfo) {
// sets the last read post to the last entry in $posts
$s[$fid] = array_search(end($posts), $posts);
// mark post as read
if (isset($_GET['post'])) {
$pid = (int)$_GET['post'];
if (array_key_exists($pid, $posts)) {
// update activity if $pid is newer
$hist = &$s[$posts[$pid]['fID']];
if ($pid > $hist) {
$hist = $pid;
// link to mark all as read
echo '<p>[<a href="?mark=all">Read All</a>]</p>' . PHP_EOL;
// display forum/post info
foreach ($forums as $fid=>$finfo) {
echo '<p>Forum: ' . $finfo;
echo ' [<a href="?mark=' . $fid . '">Mark as Read</a>]<br>' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($posts as $pid=>$pinfo) {
if ($pinfo['fID'] == $fid) {
echo '- Post: <a href="?post=' . $pid . '">' . $pid . '</a>';
echo ' - ' . ($s[$fid] < $pid ? 'NEW' : 'old');
echo ' - "' . $pinfo['title'] . '"<br>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '</p>' . PHP_EOL;
// debug: display session value and reset link
echo '<hr><pre>$_SESSION = '; print_r($_SESSION); echo '</pre>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '<hr>[<a href="?reset">Reset Session</a>]' . PHP_EOL;
我給所有的回答者提供了一個+1的輸入。我喜歡你的建議,約翰。我會玩這個方法(或者相反)。謝謝! – BenM 2011-04-05 20:09:34