首先,我想你是在標記的圖像上運行bwconncomp,而不是二進制圖像。這將會重複計算很多地區,因爲您最終會計算該地區及其邊界。在我的代碼中,請參見下面的代碼(labelImageBWCC = bwconncomp(rgb,4);
img = imread('coins.tif');
% Threshold and binarize image and fill holes
binImg = ~im2bw(img, graythresh(img));
binImg = imfill(binImg, 'holes');
% Distance transform and watershed segmentation
D = bwdist(~binImg);
D = -D;
D(~binImg) = -Inf;
L = watershed(D);
% Generate label image
rgb = label2rgb(L,'jet',[.5 .5 .5]);
% Show results of watershed
figure, imshow(rgb,'InitialMagnification','fit')
title('Watershed transform of coins.tif')
% Count number of label regions. Note - this is incorrect! This will
% count borders and background, which we don't want
labelImageBWCC = bwconncomp(rgb,4);
% Generate new binary image that only looks at individual regions generated
% by watershed segmentation so we are counting watershed regions, not label
% colors
binWatershed = L > 1; % 1 is background region; any region with index > 1 is coin
minCoinSize = 50; % minimum size in pixels
regs = regionprops(binWatershed, 'Area', 'Centroid', 'PixelIdxList');
% Remove all regions with size below threshold
regs(vertcat(regs.Area) < minCoinSize) = [];
% Display image with coin count labeled
figure, imshow(img)
hold on
for k = 1:numel(regs)
text(regs(k).Centroid(1), regs(k).Centroid(2), num2str(k), ...
'Color', 'r', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center')
hold off
您可以發佈一個圖片鏈接,有人會爲你上傳。很可能您需要根據對象的大小應用一些閾值才能獲得正確的計數。一個圖像將幫助我們幫助你:) – 2015-01-09 19:49:30
這是一個鏈接到圖像https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-U9dn2Kg61gVWU5SkdXWnVxS1U/view?usp=sharing – user3038489 2015-01-09 19:57:50
你有**原**圖像,而不是分割?此外,您的圖像周圍有不必要的白色邊框。我的猜測是這張圖片是在一個圖中,並且您選擇了另存爲將該圖保存到文件中。另外,對於物體,圖像有一堆量化誤差,並可能在圖像中顯示爲孤立點。如果你做了連接組件分析,這些點將被視爲單個區域。如果你還有原始圖像,我會更傾向於幫助你。 – rayryeng 2015-01-09 20:34:48