我有一個工作代碼,它允許用戶將url插入數據庫,並顯示數據庫的內容。Addinto MySQL與AJAX和PHP
1. http://www.arisroyo.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/php.png
2. http://www.arisroyo.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/test&123.png
當添加URL 1數據庫我沒有問題,但添加URL 2時到數據庫中,我得到這個添加到數據庫中:
var nocache = 0;
function insert() {
// Optional: Show a waiting message in the layer with ID login_response
document.getElementById('insert_response').innerHTML = "Just a second..."
// Required: verify that all fileds is not empty. Use encodeURI() to solve some issues about character encoding.
var site_url= encodeURI(document.getElementById('site_url').value);
// Set te random number to add to URL request
nocache = Math.random();
// Pass the login variables like URL variable
http.open('get', 'insert.php?site_url='+site_url+'&nocache = '+nocache);
http.onreadystatechange = insertReply;
function insertReply() {
if(http.readyState == 4){
var response = http.responseText;
// else if login is ok show a message: "Site added+ site URL".
document.getElementById('insert_response').innerHTML = 'Site added:'+response;
我一直在使用沒有Ajax的addinto MySQL和從未有過的URL問題, 「&」的標誌。我想知道什麼可能會導致此問題。
謝謝,我添加了行終止。 – user1294097 2012-07-16 03:49:51