int sum = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < ratpop; index++) {
// verify whether population falls within blast radius
if (xcord[index + 1] - xcord[index] <= str
|| ycord[index + 1] - ycord[index] <= str)
// if it does sum population of both points
sum += pop[index] + pop[index + 1];
// prints out sum and the cordinates are not correct have to figure out
// later
System.out.println(xcord[1] + " " + ycord[0] + " " + sum);
我不得不陣列語句列出X cordinates和Y之一的一個cordinates我的邏輯對於這一說法是,如果x cordinate或y cordinate比變量str小於總之,如果不是,但它不會這樣做總結它不管。這是我原來的問題,但沒有所有額外的東西可能阻止別人給它一個鏡頭,提前感謝所有使這個網站很好的愛好者,我爲誤會而道歉。
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作業?至少'index + 1'會給index = ratpop-1一個arrayOutOfBoundsException。我很確定,但這不是你在說的。 –
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