init(name: String, arrayOfNodes: [SKSpriteNode]){
var SKnode = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Cool Image")
SKnode.name = name //Error: Cannot apply value of type String to type String
for(node in arrayOfNodes){ //4 errors about random things like putting in commas at various points
if(name == "Billy"){ //Binary operator "==" cannot be applied to operands of type String and String
嘗試從你的'for..in'聲明去掉括號,他們不應該在那裏。 – ColGraff
謝謝,這會照顧那些錯誤,但是對於其他人的任何想法? – Ulthran
此外,'SKSpriteNode'的init方法應該是'SKSpriteNode(imageNamed :)' – ColGraff