如何在主要上下文中中斷線程的執行?PHP - 中斷或暫停pthread的執行
在下面的代碼片段中 - 如何停止線程在不破壞它的情況下執行的操作?
class ReadFileThread extends Thread
public function __construct($file, $chunk = 1024)
$this->file = $file;
$this->chunk = $chunk;
public function run()
if(is_file($this->file) && is_readable($this->file))
$fh = fopen($this->file, 'rb');
$content = fread($fh, $this->chunk);
$num = 10;
$threads = [];
for($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)
$thread = new ReadFileThread('/path/to/10gig_file.txt', 1024);
$threads[] = $thread;
// I start the thread, now it's detached from the main context and is reading the file asynchronously
// The interesting part - I want to random 1 thread whose operation of file reading I want to interrupt
$to_interrupt = $threads[rand(0, $num)];
// How to interrupt the thread without destroying it? I want its context preserved
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