2013-11-24 183 views


  1. 計算每個輪廓圖像的平均RGB值。

  2. 在Photoshop(或幾乎任何其他圖形編輯軟件),創建一個包含所有這些顏色

  3. 加載要渲染和規模下來,以使照片的自定義調色板的寬度和高度以像素爲單位對應於您想要在每個維度中顯示的配置文件圖像的數量。

  4. 使用您在步驟1中創建的調色板將圖像的位深度縮小到8位或更少。確保在執行此操作時選擇了「抖動」選項。

  5. 編寫一個腳本來讀取下采樣圖像並創建一個更大的圖像,其中下采樣圖像的每個像素都被轉換爲單個配置文件圖像。




public void BuildMosaic(string srcFolder, string picFileSrc, string mosaicFile, uint mosaicSizeMultiplier, Size numTiles) 
    // The file we're going to create a mosaic of 
    Image srcPic = Image.FromFile(picFileSrc); 
    int mosaicWidth = srcPic.Width * (int)mosaicSizeMultiplier; 
    int mosaicHeight = srcPic.Height * (int)mosaicSizeMultiplier; 
    int thumbWidth = mosaicWidth/numTiles.Width; 
    int thumbHeight = mosaicHeight/numTiles.Height; 

    List<ImageInfo> imageInfos = new List<ImageInfo>(); 
    foreach (string filename in Directory.GetFiles(srcFolder)) 
     string ext = Path.GetExtension(filename).ToUpper(); 
     if (ext == ".JPG" || ext == ".PNG" || ext == ".GIF" || ext == ".JPEG") 
      imageInfos.Add(ImageInfo.FromImage(filename, new Size(thumbWidth, thumbHeight))); 

    int segmentWidth = srcPic.Width/numTiles.Width; 
    int segmentHeight = srcPic.Height/numTiles.Height; 

    Image mosaic = new Bitmap(mosaicWidth, mosaicHeight); 
    Bitmap segBmp = new Bitmap(segmentWidth, segmentHeight); 
    for (int tileX = 0; tileX < numTiles.Width; tileX++) 
    for(int tileY = 0; tileY < numTiles.Height; tileY++) 
     // Create a bitmap from the original image that we'll try to match a tile to. 
     using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(segBmp)) 
      g.DrawImage(srcPic, new Rectangle(0, 0, segmentWidth, segmentHeight), new Rectangle(tileX * segmentWidth, tileY * segmentHeight, segmentWidth, segmentHeight), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); 
     ImageInfo segInfo = ImageInfo.FromImage(segBmp); 

     // Find the matching tile and paint it onto our mosaic 
     ImageInfo match = segInfo.FindMatch(imageInfos.ToArray()); 
     using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(mosaic)) 
      g.DrawImage(match.Thumbnail, tileX * thumbWidth, tileY * thumbHeight); 
    mosaic.Save(mosaicFile, ImageFormat.Jpeg); 


public class ImageInfo 
    private ImageInfo() 

    public string Filename { get; private set; } 
    public int Blue { get; private set; } 
    public int Green { get; private set; } 
    public int Red { get; private set; } 
    public System.Drawing.Image Thumbnail { get; private set; } 

    // Calculate color distance 
    private float CalcDistance(ImageInfo otherImage) 
     int blueDiff = Math.Abs(Blue - otherImage.Blue); 
     int greenDiff = Math.Abs(Green - otherImage.Green); 
     int redDiff = Math.Abs(Red - otherImage.Red); 
     return (float) Math.Sqrt(blueDiff * blueDiff + greenDiff * greenDiff + redDiff * redDiff); 

    // Find the image with the closes matching color average 
    internal ImageInfo FindMatch(ImageInfo[] list) 
     ImageMatch closest = null; 
     foreach (ImageInfo ii in list) 
      if (closest == null) 
       closest = new ImageMatch() 
        Distance = CalcDistance(ii), 
        Info = ii 
      float dist = CalcDistance(ii); 
      if (dist < closest.Distance) 
       closest = new ImageMatch() 
        Distance = CalcDistance(ii), 
        Info = ii 
     return closest.Info; 

    internal static ImageInfo FromImage(System.Drawing.Bitmap srcBmp) 
     ImageStatistics stats = new ImageStatistics(srcBmp); 
     return new ImageInfo() 
      Blue = (int)stats.Blue.Mean, 
      Green = (int)stats.Green.Mean, 
      Red = (int)stats.Red.Mean 

    internal static ImageInfo FromImage(string filename, System.Drawing.Size thumbSize) 
     using(System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile(filename) as System.Drawing.Bitmap) 
      ImageStatistics stats = new ImageStatistics(bmp); 
      return new ImageInfo() 
       Filename = filename, 
       Blue = (int)stats.Blue.Mean, 
       Green = (int)stats.Green.Mean, 
       Red = (int)stats.Red.Mean, 
       Thumbnail = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(bmp, thumbSize) 

    internal class ImageMatch 
     public float Distance { get; set; } 
     public ImageInfo Info { get; set; } 

第一個參數是與所有的 「平鋪」 圖像的目錄。他們可以是任何大小。 第二個參數是您要變成拼圖的圖像 第三個參數是輸出鑲嵌文件。 四是乘數。它採用參數2中的圖像,並將高度和寬度乘以此值,這就是您的鑲嵌文件的大小。 最後一個參數是組成馬賽克的X和Y圖塊的數量。

