2016-05-24 67 views

我一直在抨擊這個問題,並在網上無處不在尋找答案。我希望有人能幫幫忙!Sharepoint 365:獲取列表中的所有項目(但表示列不存在!)

我想要做的就是在Sharepoint Online 365中查詢一個列表,並返回該列表中的所有項目及其列值。




<script type="text/javascript"> 
/*Below line will make sure your JavaScript method will be called only after the SP.js file loaded at the client side*/ 
window.onload = QueryFollowUrl; 
function QueryFollowUrl() 
//Gets the Client context of the Web 
var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current(); 
var web = context.get_web(); 
//Change the List Name with yours 
this.list = web.get_lists().getByTitle('Team Projects'); 
var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery(); 
//Reframe the Caml query as per your requirements 
var query = "<View><ViewFields><FieldRef Name='Title' /><FieldRef Name='Details' /><FieldRef Name='Status' /></ViewFields></View>"; 
listItems = this.list.getItems(camlQuery); 
/*Now mention all the required filed internal name, since data from these fields only will be retrieved*/ 
context.load(listItems, 'Include(Title, Details, Status)'); 
//Makes asynchronous call to the Server, which will return the JSON objects 
context.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.successFollow), Function.createDelegate(this, this.failedFollow)); 
return false; 
//you can get the Error details if your Execution fails using get_message() method 
function failedFollow(sender, args) 
    var errorMsg = args.get_message(); 
    document.getElementById('projects').innerHTML = errorMsg; 

/*Upon successful execution, Success delegate method will be called and all the requested objects will the loaded with contents*/ 
function successFollow(sender, args) 
var ListEnumerator = this.listItems.getEnumerator(); 
while (ListEnumerator.moveNext()) 
    var collection = ListEnumerator.get_current(); 
    /*Using get_item method you can pass the Field Internal name mentioned earlier and get the data in that respective column, if you try to use any other column other than we mentioned earlier, it will throw you error.*/ 
    var itemTitle = collection.get_item('Title'); 
    document.getElementById('projects').innerHTML += itemTitle+' '+itemDetails+'<br>'; 
    //your code here 
<h2>Current Projects (loaded using Javascript from the 'Team Projects' list)</h2> 
<div id="projects"></div>



可以檢查使用列的內部名稱? 轉到列表設置 - >點擊列名稱。 然後在URL中可以找到該列的內部名稱。


在實際的網址?它說「Field = e72u」....所以這個字段實際上被命名爲「e72u」?很奇怪。 –


我想你已經在列表的快速編輯模式視圖中使用「添加列」鏈接創建了該字段。它會在名稱中創建包含一些隨機字符('e72u ..')的字段,然後更改其顯示名稱。 – vijayata
