2011-05-29 120 views

我很新的jQuery和我遇到了一個問題,我無法解決在這個時候 - 我集成了兩個腳本(jquery supersized和highlightfade) - 不幸的是,似乎我有問題讓他們正常工作。只要我刪除第一部分(超大),另一個插件似乎運行得更好。什麼是問題?一些幫助將非常感謝。jQuery腳本兼容性問題

// jQuery supersized 
jQuery(function ($) { 
     slideshow: 1, 
     autoplay: 1, 
     start_slide: 1, 
     random: 0, 
     slide_interval: 4000, 
     transition: 1, 
     transition_speed: 1500, 
     new_window: 1, 
     pause_hover: 0, 
     keyboard_nav: 1, 
     performance: 1, 
     image_protect: 1, 
     image_path: 'img/', 
     min_width: 0, 
     min_height: 0, 
     vertical_center: 1, 
     horizontal_center: 1, 
     fit_portrait: 1, 
     fit_landscape: 0, 
     navigation: 1, 
     thumbnail_navigation: 1, 
     slide_counter: 1, 
     slide_captions: 1, 
     slides: [{ 
      image: 'images/slides/1.jpg' 
     }, { 
      image: 'images/slides/2.jpg' 
     }, { 
      image: 'images/slides/3.jpg' 
     }, { 
      image: 'images/slides/4.jpg' 

// jQuery Plugin highlightFade (jquery.offput.ca/highlightFade) 
jQuery.fn.highlightFade = function (settings) { 
    var o = (settings && settings.constructor == String) ? { 
     start: settings 
    } : settings || {}; 
    var d = jQuery.highlightFade.defaults; 
    var i = o['interval'] || d['interval']; 
    var a = o['attr'] || d['attr']; 
    var ts = { 
     'linear': function (s, e, t, c) { 
      return parseInt(s + (c/t) * (e - s)) 
     'sinusoidal': function (s, e, t, c) { 
      return parseInt(s + Math.sin(((c/t) * 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * (e - s)) 
     'exponential': function (s, e, t, c) { 
      return parseInt(s + (Math.pow(c/t, 2)) * (e - s)) 
    var t = (o['iterator'] && o['iterator'].constructor == Function) ? o['iterator'] : ts[o['iterator']] || ts[d['iterator']] || ts['linear']; 
    if (d['iterator'] && d['iterator'].constructor == Function) t = d['iterator']; 
    return this.each(function() { 
     if (!this.highlighting) this.highlighting = {}; 
     var e = (this.highlighting[a]) ? this.highlighting[a].end : jQuery.highlightFade.getBaseValue(this, a) || [255, 255, 255]; 
     var c = jQuery.highlightFade.getRGB(o['start'] || o['colour'] || o['color'] || d['start'] || [255, 255, 128]); 
     var s = jQuery.speed(o['speed'] || d['speed']); 
     var r = o['final'] || (this.highlighting[a] && this.highlighting[a].orig) ? this.highlighting[a].orig : jQuery.curCSS(this, a); 
     if (o['end'] || d['end']) r = jQuery.highlightFade.asRGBString(e = jQuery.highlightFade.getRGB(o['end'] || d['end'])); 
     if (typeof o['final'] != 'undefined') r = o['final']; 
     if (this.highlighting[a] && this.highlighting[a].timer) window.clearInterval(this.highlighting[a].timer); 
     this.highlighting[a] = { 
      steps: ((s.duration)/i), 
      interval: i, 
      currentStep: 0, 
      start: c, 
      end: e, 
      orig: r, 
      attr: a 
     jQuery.highlightFade(this, a, o['complete'], t) 
jQuery.highlightFade = function (e, a, o, t) { 
    e.highlighting[a].timer = window.setInterval(function() { 
     var newR = t(e.highlighting[a].start[0], e.highlighting[a].end[0], e.highlighting[a].steps, e.highlighting[a].currentStep); 
     var newG = t(e.highlighting[a].start[1], e.highlighting[a].end[1], e.highlighting[a].steps, e.highlighting[a].currentStep); 
     var newB = t(e.highlighting[a].start[2], e.highlighting[a].end[2], e.highlighting[a].steps, e.highlighting[a].currentStep); 
     jQuery(e).css(a, jQuery.highlightFade.asRGBString([newR, newG, newB])); 
     if (e.highlighting[a].currentStep++ >= e.highlighting[a].steps) { 
      jQuery(e).css(a, e.highlighting[a].orig || ''); 
      e.highlighting[a] = null; 
      if (o && o.constructor == Function) o.call(e) 
    }, e.highlighting[a].interval) 
jQuery.highlightFade.defaults = { 
    start: [255, 255, 128], 
    interval: 50, 
    speed: 400, 
    attr: 'backgroundColor' 
jQuery.highlightFade.getRGB = function (c, d) { 
    var result; 
    if (c && c.constructor == Array && c.length == 3) return c; 
    if (result = /rgb(s*([0-9]{1,3})s*,s*([0-9]{1,3})s*,s*([0-9]{1,3})s*)/.exec(c)) return [parseInt(result[1]), parseInt(result[2]), parseInt(result[3])]; 
    else if (result = /rgb(s*([0-9]+(?:.[0-9]+)?)%s*,s*([0-9]+(?:.[0-9]+)?)%s*,s*([0-9]+(?:.[0-9]+)?)%s*)/.exec(c)) return [parseFloat(result[1]) * 2.55, parseFloat(result[2]) * 2.55, parseFloat(result[3]) * 2.55]; 
    else if (result = /#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/.exec(c)) return [parseInt("0x" + result[1]), parseInt("0x" + result[2]), parseInt("0x" + result[3])]; 
    else if (result = /#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])/.exec(c)) return [parseInt("0x" + result[1] + result[1]), parseInt("0x" + result[2] + result[2]), parseInt("0x" + result[3] + result[3])]; 
    else return jQuery.highlightFade.checkColorName(c) || d || null 
jQuery.highlightFade.asRGBString = function (a) { 
    return "rgb(" + a.join(",") + ")" 
jQuery.highlightFade.getBaseValue = function (e, a, b) { 
    var s, t; 
    b = b || false; 
    t = a = a || jQuery.highlightFade.defaults['attr']; 
    do { 
     s = jQuery(e).css(t || 'backgroundColor'); 
     if ((s != '' && s != 'transparent') || (e.tagName.toLowerCase() == "body") || (!b && e.highlighting && e.highlighting[a] && e.highlighting[a].end)) break; 
     t = false 
    } while (e = e.parentNode); 
    if (!b && e.highlighting && e.highlighting[a] && e.highlighting[a].end) s = e.highlighting[a].end; 
    if (s == undefined || s == '' || s == 'transparent') s = [255, 255, 255]; 
    return jQuery.highlightFade.getRGB(s) 
jQuery.highlightFade.checkColorName = function (c) { 
    if (!c) return null; 
    switch (c.replace(/^s*|s*$/g, '').toLowerCase()) { 
    case 'aqua': 
     return [0, 255, 255]; 
    case 'black': 
     return [0, 0, 0]; 
    case 'blue': 
     return [0, 0, 255]; 
    case 'fuchsia': 
     return [255, 0, 255]; 
    case 'gray': 
     return [128, 128, 128]; 
    case 'green': 
     return [0, 128, 0]; 
    case 'lime': 
     return [0, 255, 0]; 
    case 'maroon': 
     return [128, 0, 0]; 
    case 'navy': 
     return [0, 0, 128]; 
    case 'olive': 
     return [128, 128, 0]; 
    case 'purple': 
     return [128, 0, 128]; 
    case 'red': 
     return [255, 0, 0]; 
    case 'silver': 
     return [192, 192, 192]; 
    case 'teal': 
     return [0, 128, 128]; 
    case 'white': 
     return [255, 255, 255]; 
    case 'yellow': 
     return [255, 255, 0] 




YAY!這個插件終於實現了 陳舊。 jQuery 1.2終於在發佈了長長的1.1 發佈之後出現了 ,並且隨之而來的是效果系統的升級到 。特別是 現在允許自定義動畫。約翰 Resig的發佈官方的jQuery插件 與添加 邊框和背景動畫1.2相處得 現在它比 以前還要好,並有充分的 支持jQuery團隊的bemefit。您可以 在jquery插件 存儲庫中找到新官方 動畫插件的網站。同時,老 主頁進行演示現在 沒有維護highlightFade插件可以 在這裏找到

Link to the site


非常感謝您的有用的信息納溫 - 我會看到它。謝謝,西爾維亞 – Sylvia 2011-05-29 07:28:27