2016-09-18 87 views


public class Polygon { 

private int numSides; //number of sides 
private double sideLength; //length of each side 
private double xCoord; //x-coordinate of th center of the polygon 
private double yCoord;//the y-coordinate 
private double apothem;//defines the apothem 
private double perimeter; 

* no argument constructor 
public Polygon() { 
    this.numSides = 4; 
    this.sideLength = 10.0; 
    this.xCoord = 0.0; 
    this.yCoord = 0.0; 
    this.apothem = 5.0; 
    this.perimeter = 20.0; 

* constructor that takes arguments 
* @param _numSides :-number of sides 
* @param _sideLength :-the length of each side 
* @param _xCoord :-the x coordinate 
* @param _yCoord :-the Y coordinate 
* @param _apothem :-the apothem 
public Polygon(int _numSides, double _sideLength, double _xCoord, double _yCoord, double _apothem) { 

    this.numSides = _numSides; 
    this.sideLength = _sideLength; 
    this.xCoord = _xCoord; 
    this.yCoord = _yCoord; 
    this.apothem = _apothem; 


* @return area of the polygon[double] 
public double getArea() { 
    perimeter = numSides * sideLength; 
    double area = (0.5) * apothem * perimeter; 
    return area; 

//getter & setters 

public int getNumSides() { 
    return numSides; 

public void setNumSides(int numSides) { 
    this.numSides = numSides; 

public double getSideLength() { 
    return sideLength; 

public void setSideLength(double sideLength) { 
    this.sideLength = sideLength; 

public double getxCoord() { 
    return xCoord; 

public void setxCoord(double xCoord) { 
    this.xCoord = xCoord; 

public double getyCoord() { 
    return yCoord; 

public void setyCoord(double yCoord) { 
    this.yCoord = yCoord; 

public double getApothem() { 
    return apothem; 

public void setApothem(double apothem) { 
    this.apothem = apothem; 

public double getPerimeter() { 
    return perimeter; 

public void setPerimeter(double perimeter) { 
    this.perimeter = perimeter; 

//to string method 
public String toString() { 
    return "Polygon definitions[" + "number of sides=" + numSides + ", Each side length=" + sideLength + ", xCoord=" + xCoord + ", yCoord=" + yCoord + ", apothem=" + apothem + ']'; 



錯誤:在類的多邊形沒有找到主方法,請定義main方法爲:公共靜態無效的主要(字串[] args) 或JavaFX應用程序類必須擴展javafx.application.Application


「當我添加的主要,它會導致一噸更多的錯誤「< - 也許你可以開始分享代碼和你看到的錯誤。 – smarx


基本SO建議:不要總結錯誤消息,將其粘貼到您的問題中。你說你得到一個錯誤,當你編譯時它沒有main,但沒有main不是編譯時錯誤。想想我們沒有任何想法,你會得到什麼樣的錯誤,並在問題*中提供必要的信息。 – arcy


對於您的基本理解@Richard如果此代碼位於名爲Polygon.java的文件中,您的代碼將被編譯。我這樣做了,它爲我編譯沒有錯誤。當您嘗試運行此代碼時,您可能會遇到錯誤,因爲它沒有主要方法。 如果您不知道如何添加主要方法,或者您確實看到一些錯誤,請發佈您看到的所有錯誤。如果難以發佈截圖。 – Pat




public class Main { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 

     Polygon p = new Polygon(); 
     double apothem = p.getApothem(); 



public class PolygonMain { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 

     Polygon p = new Polygon(); 

     Here you can use your getters/setters toString etc. 
     The name of the object you've created in this example would be p, therefore 
     p.toString() would return the toString method of your object class 

