2017-02-21 34 views


public class tagTLSEEKINFO 
    /* Disable variable visibility on debug. */ 
    private DateTime date; 
    private string month; 
    private string year; 
    private int trunk; 
    private int addr; 
    private int subzone; 
    private tagTLFILETYPE filetype; 
    private string path; 

public tagTLSEEKINFO() 
    Path = ""; 

public tagTLSEEKINFO(tagTLFILETYPE filetype) 
    FileType = filetype; 

public tagTLSEEKINFO(tagTLFILETYPE filetype, string _path) 
    Month = ""; 
    Year = ""; 
    Trunk = Addr = Subzone = 0; 
    FileType = filetype; 
    Path = _path; 

public tagTLSEEKINFO(DateTime date, tagTLFILETYPE filetype) 
    Date = date; 
    Month = date.Month.ToString("00"); 
    Year = date.Year.ToString().Remove(0, 2); 
    Trunk = Addr = Subzone = 0; 
    FileType = filetype; 

public tagTLSEEKINFO(string month, string year, tagTLFILETYPE filetype) 
    Date = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt16(year), Convert.ToInt16(month), 1); 
    Month = month; 
    Year = year; 
    Trunk = Addr = Subzone = 0; 
    FileType = filetype; 

public tagTLSEEKINFO(DateTime date, int trunk, int addr, int subzone) 
    Date = date; 
    Month = date.Month.ToString("00"); 
    Year = date.Year.ToString().Remove(0, 2); 
    Trunk = trunk; 
    Addr = addr; 
    Subzone = subzone; 

public tagTLSEEKINFO(string month, string year, int trunk, int addr, int subzone) 
    Month = month; 
    Year = year; 
    Trunk = trunk; 
    Addr = addr; 
    Subzone = subzone; 

public virtual DateTime Date { get { return date; } set { date = value; } } 
public virtual string Month { get { return month; } set { month = value; } } 
public string Year { get { return year; } set { year = value; } } 
public int Trunk { get { return trunk; } set { trunk = value; } } 
public int Addr { get { return addr; } set { addr = value; } } 
public int Subzone { get { return subzone; } set { subzone = value; } } 
public tagTLFILETYPE FileType { get { return filetype; } set { filetype = value; } } 
public string Path { get { return path; } set { path = value; } } 

}//end class 


Error CS1061 'tagTLSEEKINFO[]' does not contain a definition for 'Date' and no extension method 'Date' accepting a first argument of type 'tagTLSEEKINFO[]' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) TrendLogFileViewer


你能告訴我們你在哪裏收到錯誤的行? – Allen


由於缺乏可靠地再現問題的良好[mcve],所以無法肯定地說。但根據錯誤消息,看起來你有一個'tagTLSEEKINFO'對象數組,並試圖從數組中檢索Date屬性值,而不是索引數組,並從數組的單個元素中檢索屬性值。你不能那樣做。找出你想從哪個元素獲取值,並使用合適的索引值來獲取該元素。 –




foreach(var seekInfo in <yourtagTLSEEKINFOArrayVariable>) 
    seekInfo.Date; //you can access `Date` here 

謝謝!就是這樣;我一直以Python編程,而我只是錯過了它。 –