2014-04-29 28 views
#include <string> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 
using namespace std; 
void add(string names[], int section[], int grade[]); 
void printRecords(const string names[], const int sections[], const int grades[], int size); 
void insertionSort(int numbers[], int size); 
void display(const int numbers[], int size); 
int main(){ 

    string command; 
    string names[20] = { "" }; 
    int sections[20]; 
    int grades[20]; 

    cout << "Enter a command (add, print, drop, sort, average, quit):\n"; 
    cin >> command; 

    while (command != "quit"){ 
     if (command == "add"){ 
      add(names,sections, grades); 
     else if (command == "print"){ 
      printRecords(names, sections, grades, 20); 
     else if (command == "drop"){ 
      cout << command; 
     else if (command == "sort"){ 
      cout << command; 
     else if (command == "average"){ 
      cout << command; 
     else if (command == "smallest"){ 
      cout << command; 

      cout << "Invalid command.\n"; 

     cin >> command; 

    cout << "Quitting the program.\n"; 
    return 0; 

void printRecords(const string names[], const int sections[], const int grades[], int size) { 
    int i; 
    for (i = 0; i < size; i = i + 1) { 
     cout << "[" << i << "]:\t"; 
     cout << setw(20) << left << names[i]; 
     cout << setw(5) << sections[i]; 
     cout << setw(10) << grades[i]; 
     cout << "\n"; 
void insertionSort(int numbers[], int size) { 
    int i; 
    int j; 
    int toInsert; 
    // outer loop i is the element we are to insert in to the sorted portion. 
    // [0, i-1] is the sorted range. 
    for (i = 1; i < size; i = i + 1) { 
     toInsert = numbers[i]; 
     j = i - 1; 
     while (j >= 0 && numbers[j] > toInsert) { 
      numbers[j + 1] = numbers[j]; 
      j = j - 1; 
     // either j >= 0 and numbers[j] <= toInsert 
     // or j = -1 here 
     // we want to store toInsert at numbers[j+1] 
     numbers[j + 1] = toInsert; 
void add(string names[], int sections[], int grades[]){ 
    int i = 0; 
    while (names[i] != "" && i < 20){ 
     i = i + 1; 
    cin >> names[i]; 
    cin >> sections[i]; 
    cin >> grades[i]; 

我只需要用戶在調用該函數時只輸入一組新信息。 添加功能是我最關心的。爲什麼它無休止地傾瀉?爲什麼我的功能無限循環

假設在 當前電子表格的最後一條記錄後面添加一個學生的記錄(姓名,部分和等級)。您的電子表格應該能夠容納20個學生記錄。如果 已有20條學生記錄,則您的代碼應提示「電子表格已滿。可以 不可以添加。「


在此處發佈代碼。 – alex



cin >> command更改爲getline(cin, command)


@MantoshKumar:爲什麼? – lpapp


這不會有什麼區別,'cin >>'一個int或一個字符串都會跳過前導空格。 –



現在,getline(cin, var)消耗換行符,所以在使用此函數後您不需要忽略,否則您還將等待更多數據。


有更雄辯的方式來做到這一點,但基本要點是字符串使用getline()以及其他類型,你可以繼續,如果你使用cin.ignore()以後使用cin >>


#include <string> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 
using namespace std; 
void add(string names[], int section[], int grade[]); 
void printRecords(const string names[], const int sections[], const int grades[], int size); 
void insertionSort(int numbers[], int size); 
void display(const int numbers[], int size); 
int main(){ 

string command; 
string names[20] = { "" }; 
int sections[20]; 
int grades[20]; 

cout << "Enter a command (add, print, drop, sort, average, quit):\n"; 
getline(cin, command); 

while (command != "quit"){ 
    if (command == "add"){ 
     add(names,sections, grades); 
    else if (command == "print"){ 
     printRecords(names, sections, grades, 20); 
    else if (command == "drop"){ 
     cout << command; 
    else if (command == "sort"){ 
     cout << command; 
    else if (command == "average"){ 
     cout << command; 
    else if (command == "smallest"){ 
     cout << command; 

     cout << "Invalid command.\n"; 

    getline(cin, command); 

cout << "Quitting the program.\n"; 
return 0; 

void printRecords(const string names[], const int sections[], const int grades[], int size) { 
    int i; 
    for (i = 0; i < size; i = i + 1) { 
     cout << "[" << i << "]:\t"; 
     cout << setw(20) << left << names[i]; 
     cout << setw(5) << sections[i]; 
     cout << setw(10) << grades[i]; 
     cout << "\n"; 
void insertionSort(int numbers[], int size) { 
    int i; 
    int j; 
    int toInsert; 
    // outer loop i is the element we are to insert in to the sorted portion. 
    // [0, i-1] is the sorted range. 
    for (i = 1; i < size; i = i + 1) { 
     toInsert = numbers[i]; 
     j = i - 1; 
     while (j >= 0 && numbers[j] > toInsert) { 
      numbers[j + 1] = numbers[j]; 
      j = j - 1; 
     // either j >= 0 and numbers[j] <= toInsert 
     // or j = -1 here 
     // we want to store toInsert at numbers[j+1] 
     numbers[j + 1] = toInsert; 
void add(string names[], int sections[], int grades[]){ 
    int i = 0; 
    while (names[i] != "" && i < 20){ 
     i = i + 1; 

    getline(cin, names[i]); 
    cin >> sections[i]; 
    cin >> grades[i]; 

問題是,如果你試圖讀入一個整數,例如cin >> sections[i];,但您鍵入的字符不是數字,則該操作失敗,並且cin被置於失敗狀態



要解決這個問題,有兩件事情要做。首先,總是測試你的輸入功能失敗。做cin >> command;之後,也這樣做:

if (!cin) 
    break; // exit instead of infinitely looping 


if (!cin) 
    cout << "Invalid input entered - discarding entry\n"; 
    names[i] = ""; 
    string junk; 
    getline(cin, junk); 




void add(string names[], int sections[], int grades[]) 
    int i = 0; 
    while (names[i] != "" && i < 20){ 
     i = i + 1; 
    if (i == 20) 

    string line; 
    getline(cin, line); 
    istringstream iss(line); 
    iss >> names[i] >> sections[i] >> grades[i]; 
    if (!iss) 
     names[i] = ""; 
     cerr << "Invalid entry ignored.\n"; 

您可能需要#include <sstream>這一點。請注意,在此版本中,您不需要丟棄「垃圾」,因爲垃圾在正在銷燬的字符串流中。
