.model small
exp db 8 dup (?)
num dw 09
var dw 2
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov di,0
mov ax,num ;I put my number in ax
Binary: ;Here I make the conversion from decimal to binary
div var
mov exp[di],dl
inc di
cmp al,0 ;If my number is equal to 0 it breaks the cicle and shows the array in the next function
ja Binary
dec di
mov cx,di
Show: ;Here I show the array backwards so we can see the real binary number
mov bl,exp[di]
add bl,30h
mov dl,bl
sub bl,30h
mov ah,2
int 21h
dec di
loop Show
int 21h
end start:
不要使用'div'除以2!它比一個班次慢大約30倍,並且不能立即操作。 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40354978/why-is-this-c-code-faster-than-my-hand-written-assembly-for-testing-the-collat/40355466#40355466 –
謝謝彼得。 –