2017-06-15 18 views

這裏給出的代碼工作正常,但是說當找到(-30,30)而不是(10,30)的ω時發現分叉點,從而改變'INT O' 從2000到6000在屏幕上顯示以下消息,在在0x7665B802在Bifurcation_Plotter.exen維四階Runge-Kutta求解器的大迭代中的誤差

未處理的異常:微軟C++異常:則爲std :: bad_alloc在存儲器位置0x012FF544。



//NOTE: this code has memory issues, if compiling be careful to adjust step size to obtain the desired plot 
    //This program computes solutions for I_A or I_B and stores them to an array 
    //This array is then evaluated to find the local maxima 
    //Further evaluation finds what the local maxima settle to 
    //These settled values are found for a varying omega to produce a bifurcation plot 

    #include <cstdlib> 
    #include <iostream> 
    #include <string> 
    #include <fstream> 
    #include <iomanip> 
    #include <cmath> 

     using namespace std; 

     double *CoupledLaser_rhs(double t, int m, double x[]); 
     double *rk4vec (double t0, int m, double u0[], double dt, double *f(double t, int m, double x[])); 

     //Global parameter values 
      double beta = 8.5; 
      double gama = 10.0; 
      double alpha = 2.0; 
      double kappa = 39.97501809;//d=1.2 
      double omega; 
      double lambda = 2; 

     int main() 
      //file to store bif points 
      string bif_points_filename = "(10,30)mod_bif_points_IA_d=1.2.txt"; 
      ofstream bif_unit; 


      double dt = 0.01;//time-step 
      double domega = 0.01;//omega-step 
      int i; 
      int j; 
      int k; 
      int l; 
      int m = 6;//no. of dimensions 
      int n = 5000;//no. of time evaluation steps (n*dt = time) 
      int o = 2000;//no. of delta_omega evaluation steps 
      double t; 
      double *x; 
      double *xnew; 
      double current; 


      cout<<"Compute solutions of the Coupled Laser system.\n"; 
      cout<<"Write data to file.\n"; 


      //I.C.'s in 0th entry// 
      t = 0.0; 

      x = new double [m]; 
      x[0] = 1.0; 
      x[1] = 1.0; 
      x[2] = 1.0; 
      x[3] = 1.0; 
      x[4] = 0.001; 
      x[5] = 0.001; 


      //define array to store elements of I_A 
      double *arr = new double[1000]; 


     //Approximate solution at equally spaced times of time step dt// 
     for(l=0; l<o; l++) 
      for(j=0; j<n-1000; j++) 
        current = ((x[0])*(x[0])+(x[1])*(x[1])); 
        xnew = rk4vec(t, m, x, dt, CoupledLaser_rhs); 
        for(i=0; i<m; i++) 
         x[i] = xnew[i]; 
      for(j=0; j<1000; j++) 
        xnew = rk4vec(t, m, x, dt, CoupledLaser_rhs); 
        for(i=0; i<m; i++) 
         x[i] = xnew[i]; 
      for(k=50; k<1000-50; k++) 
        if(arr[k]>arr[k+1] && arr[k]>arr[k-1]) 
          bif_unit <<omega<<","<< arr[k]<<"\n"; 
      omega = omega + domega; 



    cout << "Created local maxima vs omega bifurcation file " << bif_points_filename<<"\".\n"; 


     cout<<"Normal end of execution.\n"; 


//Evaluates the rhs of the coupled laser field equations 
//t; value of the independent time variable, m; spatial dimension, x[]; values of the dependent variables at time t 
//Output; values of the derivatives of the dependent variables at time t 
//x[0] = E_Ax, x[1] = E_Ay, x[2] = E_Bx, x[3] = E_By, x[4] = N_A, x[5] = N_B 

double *CoupledLaser_rhs(double t, int m, double x[]) 
    double *dxdt; 
    dxdt = new double [m]; 

    dxdt[0] = beta*gama*(x[4]*x[0]) + alpha*beta*gama*(x[4]*x[1]) - kappa*x[3]; 
    dxdt[1] = beta*gama*(x[4]*x[1]) - alpha*beta*gama*(x[4]*x[0]) + kappa*x[2]; 
    dxdt[2] = beta*gama*(x[5]*x[2]) + alpha*beta*gama*(x[5]*x[3]) - kappa*x[1] + omega*x[3]; 
    dxdt[3] = beta*gama*(x[5]*x[3]) - alpha*beta*gama*(x[5]*x[2]) + kappa*x[0] - omega*x[2]; 
    dxdt[4] = lambda - x[4] - 1 - (x[0])*(x[0]) - (x[1])*(x[1]) - beta*(x[4])*((x[0])*(x[0])+(x[1])*(x[1])); 
    dxdt[5] = lambda - x[5] - 1 - (x[2])*(x[2]) - (x[3])*(x[3]) - beta*(x[5])*((x[2])*(x[2])+(x[3])*(x[3])); 

    return dxdt; 

//IVP of the form du/dt = f(t,u) & u(t0) = u0 
//User supplies the current values of t, u, step-size dt, and a function to evaluate the derivative, the function can compute the 4th-order Runge-Kutta estimate to the solution at time t+dt 
//t0; current time, m; dimension of space, u0[]; solution estimate at current time, dt: time-step, *f; function which evaluates the derivative of the rhs of problem 
//Output; 4th-order Runge-Kutta solution estimate at time t0+dt 

double *rk4vec(double t0, int m, double x0[], double dt, double *f(double t, int m, double x[])) 
    double *k1; 
    double *k2; 
    double *k3; 
    double *k4; 
    double t; 
    double *x1; 
    double *x2; 
    double *x3; 
    int i; 
    double *x; 

    //four sample values of the derivative 

    k1 = f(t0, m, x0); 

    t = t0 + dt/2.0; 
    x1 = new double[m]; 

    for(i=0; i<m; i++) 
     x1[i] = x0[i] + dt*(k1[i]/2.0); 
    k2 = f(t, m, x1); 

    x2 = new double[m]; 

    for(i=0; i<m; i++) 
     x2[i] = x0[i] + dt*(k2[i]/2.0); 
    k3 = f(t, m, x2); 

    x3 = new double[m]; 
    for(i=0; i<m; i++) 
     x3[i] = x0[i] + dt*k3[i]; 
    k4 = f(t0 + dt, m, x3); 

    //combine to estimate solution 

    x = new double[m]; 
    for(i=0; i<m; i++) 
     x[i] = x0[i] + dt*(k1[i] + 2.0*(k2[i]) + 2.0*(k3[i]) + k4[i])/(6.0); 

    //free memory 

    delete [] k1; 
    delete [] k2; 
    delete [] k3; 
    delete [] k4; 
    delete [] x1; 
    delete [] x2; 
    delete [] x3; 

    return x; 

「有記憶的問題」 應該是「像篩子一樣泄漏「。使用'std :: vector'。 – molbdnilo


他並不需要這種靈活性,因爲它只使用矢量6維。 6並且只有6.我認爲具有適當的構造函數,複製構造函數的類/結構應該完成這項工作。可以更改代碼以便使用局部變量並通過創建的結構的副本返回而不是動態分配。這裏不需要動態分配。 –


我不是這個問題的專家,但也許一個結構可以幫助命名6個方向(新結構的6個成員),它們與他們試圖解決的問題一致,而不是x [0] .. .X [5] –




我看到一些內循環被稱爲大約10萬次(參見o(2K)和n(5K)的順序)。函數r4kvec返回一個指向永不釋放的動態分配區域的指針。電話一樣)因此10MLN * 6 * 64,讓我覺得你可能會很接近exaust內存(但也要看你正在運行它的系統)


  • delete[]每次撥打r4kvec返回的數據
  • ,因爲new通常比6雙倍的副本更昂貴,所以考慮使用6雙精心設計的結構以便使用堆棧並降低複雜性。

希望這可以幫助, 斯特凡諾


for(j=0; j<n-1000; j++) 
      current = ((x[0])*(x[0])+(x[1])*(x[1])); 
      xnew = rk4vec(t, m, x, dt, CoupledLaser_rhs); 
      for(i=0; i<m; i++) 
       x[i] = xnew[i]; 


for(j=0; j<n-1000; j++) 
      current = ((x[0])*(x[0])+(x[1])*(x[1])); 
      xnew = rk4vec(t, m, x, dt, CoupledLaser_rhs); 
      for(i=0; i<m; i++) 
       x[i] = xnew[i]; 
      delete[] xnew; //release it! 